ferretting around & around
By maggie1
It was pitch black and freezing cold as Rafferty stood on the high street waiting for his date,
The streets were empty, unusual for that time of night the streets round here were usually jam packed with rebellious teenagers and under aged drinkers but tonight it was surprisingly quiet, not that Rafferty really cared he hated crowds, especially teenage crowds, as Rafferty stood in the high street, wrapping his arms around his body trying to keep himself warm, he looked around him and noticed two tramps asleep in the doorway of a furniture shop, they were covered in filthy blankets, and cardboard boxes, he wondered how people like them managed to live on the streets, not knowing where their next meal was coming from, or whether they would get into a hostel for the night or end up like these two on the streets sleeping under cardboard. As he looked around him he noticed out of the corner of his eye a young lady heading in his direction he wondered if it was his date, Monica the date was a blind date you see, arranged by his so called best friend Gary , who was determined to make an honest woman of him, he had no idea why he had agreed to go on a blind date, he felt foolish , he had convinced himself that this Monica was some fat girl with spots and glasses, so it was obviously not this beautiful woman heading towards him.
The woman came up to him and said "hi there are you Rafferty "huh Yeah said Rafferty startled " hi I'm Monica " she said with a smile, Rafferty was for once lost for words she was beautiful, long black hair, and deep blue sultry eyes, Monica moved closer to Rafferty's ear and whispered to him "I think we have a mutual friend " she smiled again, Rafferty noticed that her smile lit up her whole face, They started to walk, Rafferty decided that if he stayed still any longer he would probably freeze to the spot. "I heard that not everyone calls you Rafferty, that you have a nickname, well that's what gary told me, although he wouldn't say what it was she said as she slipped her arm through his and walked up the street with him " No I bet he didn't said Rafferty, "There are a lot of people that call me it, I used to hate it, but I'm used to it now he said smiling nervously at her. "Are you going to tell me what it is then she asked. "Well .. Its embarrassing really " he said going bright red in the face, "Oh go on I promise I won't laugh honest she said "ok its FERRET said Rafferty "there doesn't seem to be anywhere open other than this pokey little café, said ferret "come on lets go in said monica they entered the café and ordered a fry up and a mug of coffee, "not exactly what I had in mind for our first date he said as they sat there chatting Rafferty started to pay close attention to this beautiful woman that was sitting opposite him , he noticed that when she laughs she throws her head back and her long black hair glistens in the light and her eyes sparkled like Diamonds that danced when she speaks, her voice was husky, sexy like he could seriously sit and listen to her talk all night and he definitely wanted to see her again only next time it will be a good restaurant ,somewhere were they could dance close and really get to know each other, once they had finished eating Monica decided that she wanted to go home again and asked Rafferty if he would walk her home, he paid the bill and they started to walk up the high street. Monica asked Rafferty why they called him ferret " Well I love to ferret around, car boot sales, markets, anywhere there's a bargain he said . "Wow I love boot sales, and I love bargains too said Monica with a smile. They finished their meal and sat chatting trying to decide what to do next "well we could go back to my place Said Monica. "ok said Rafferty, as he stood up to pay the bill, he helped Monica on with her coat and they made their way down to the end of the high street, as they turned right into royal road, Monica suddenly stopped "What's up said Rafferty, Monica pointed in the direction of her flat, there blocking their way was a large gang of youths, the rowdy bunch were obviously fuelled by alcohol and there were a lot of them. "What do you wanna do said Rafferty leaning towards Monica so she could hear him above the noise of the crowd, that seemed to be getting louder and bigger by the minute "Well I can't go home now can I she said Rafferty took her by the hand and started to walk in the other direction "come on he said "we will go to my place, you're be safer there as Rafferty was guiding Monica in the direction of his house the police arrived. Rafferty knew he had to move, these gangs were loud and in most cases the police struggled to get these sort of situations under control, as he got nearer to home Rafferty started to fumble in his coat pocket for his keys, he could hear the thugs getting closer all he could think about was getting Monica off the streets and into the safety of his house, he opened the door, and signalled to Monica to enter first, they made it just in time too the police were having difficulty holding back the crowd of thugs and they were now heading in their direction , Rafferty shut the door and flung the bolt across, and guided Monica into the kitchen at the back of the house, monica took off her coat and placed it over the back of one of the kitchen chairs, and then sat down whilst Rafferty put on the kettle for coffee, once the kettle was boiling, he stole a glance in Monica's direction, she was shivering and had a look of fright on her face, she looked pale too, she reached out her hand, Rafferty was convinced she was about to collapse so he made his way towards her and helped into a chair he quickly made the coffee and returned to her side "What's up he said "they are she said pointing in the direction of the street, where she could clearly hear the thugs coming up the street, "you're safe here I promise, they can't get in said Rafferty hoping that he was right, hoping that the police will disperse the crowd before it reached his place Monica smiled nervously at him, and sipped her coffee, Rafferty knew it was going to be a long night "shall I attempt to get you home again he said to her, Monica's eyes danced with fear. "No no please don't take me home, please let me stay here please she pleaded. Rafferty realising that she was terrified, agreed . "lets go upstairs, it will be safer up there, Won't it she asked Monica grabbed Rafferty's arm and dragged him up the stairs. "You take the bed said Rafferty, "I'll take the chair ok he said Rafferty knew he could have taken advantage of her that night, but that was not his style, he was a gentleman he wanted to do the right thing by her. They tried their best to get to sleep trying to block out the sounds of breaking glass, coming from the thugs in the street. But they were having no luck he turned on the light and looked out of the window, the police were everywhere, they had riot gear, even horses out there trying to keep order. Rafferty closed the curtains, and returned his attention to Monica, he looked across at the bed, his bed, and saw she was fast asleep, there was this gorgeous woman sleeping on his bed, he was so tempted and found himself having to stop and correct himself. Boy was she beautiful, Monica open her eyes, and saw Rafferty looking at her, she indicated to him and he made his way over to her, he sat on the edge of the bed expecting her to sit up and start talking , but he was quite shocked when she sat up, flung her arms around his neck, and planted a large kiss on his lips, "thank you " she said "for what Rafferty said, "For protecting me, for not taking advantage of me, lots of men would do in this situation but you didn't you're a real gentleman she said " well I will admit I was tempted, real tempted said Rafferty " you are so gorgeous he said "you know you really shouldn't have kissed me "why not " said Monica "cos it's giving me a few problems you know! " Rafferty winked and made his way towards the bedroom door, "where are you going now said Monica, "I thought I would go and make another coffee, want one he said "ohh yes please, babe she said with a sparkle in her eye Rafferty smiled and made his way downstairs to the kitchen, the riots outside the house were starting to die down, the police were starting to get a hold of the situation now. Rafferty put the kettle on and stood in the lounge watching the police horses rounding up the last of the thugs, All of a sudden he felt two arms going around his waist, he turned around and came face to face with Monica, she kissed him again, and this time he responded to her, as they lowered themselves onto the carpet and made love in the lounge,
Rafferty got up and went into the kitchen to make the coffee, Monica followed him wearing his t shirt, they were both covered in sweat, and were both grinning like Cheshire cats, .help yourself to a shower if you want said Rafferty, "only if you join me she giggled Rafferty abandoned making the coffee, and taking Monica by the hand guided her upstairs to the bathroom and the shower they so badly needed, they then made their way to bed and slept, wrapped in each others arms , they had had a very long night, but a very enjoyable one too, Rafferty's only worry was that Monica would regret it all in the morning, she may feel she has made a big mistake, all Rafferty knew is that he had not made a mistake, he had no regrets at all, he was very pleased that it had happened. He feel asleep very happy and contented ,and with the knowledge that he was at last in love with the most beautiful woman in the world
He woke the next morning to find Monica gone, she was not beside him, oh god he thought she woke and realised what happened last night and she's left before I could stop her, he grabbed his dressing gown for behind the door and made his way downstairs to the kitchen, if Monica has gone he needed a coffee, a strong one, he entered the kitchen and there at the cooker was Monica, " I thought I would cook breakfast for us both, is that ok she said looking straight at him and throwing him one of her amazing smiles "I thought you had left me and gone home, Rafferty said " after last night no way she said "You were fantastic, no one has ever made love to me the way you did last night, " she said placing two plates of breakfast on the table with two mugs of coffee "come sit and eat honey, she said signalling to Rafferty to sit at the kitchen table. They sat and ate and for a long time they said nothing to one and other, they both realised that they had come very close to being hurt last night, Monica in particular had realised that if it hadn't been for Rafferty and his quick thinking she could possibly be dead or seriously injured last night, no one had looked after her like he had last night, it may have been their first date, but she trusted him with her life, she had fallen in love with a man she had known for less than 12 hours, she had made love to a man on a first date, the one thing she had always told herself that she would never allow to happen. But then her mum had always told her that she would know the man of her dreams when she met him, and when she found him she must hold on to him at all costs.
She was in love for the first time in 5 years and she was going to keep this one no one was going to spoil this for her this time.
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