Food Tales

Nasi Lemak

There is no meal as complete as the nasi lemak nor any that satisfies so completely all the senses connected with eating as this very common, almost taken-for-granted dish.

Curry By Any Other Name

I was in Australia in the late Seventies, when the empire of curry was not fully established there.

Valentine’s X’mas Party

Valentine’s X’mas and New Year parties were legendary. Everyone got invited. The invitations will begin several weeks before the day; everyone Valentine met during that time will be invited.

The Tiffin Carrier Man

The Tiffin Carrier Man arrived around noon.

Reggie's Father's Vindaloo

The Vindaloo is a bastard dish of no fixed abode

It Happened Again Last Night

I woke up in the middle of the night. Fully awake with the brain going full blaze. Anxieties and fear, and the nagging thoughts of a hundred tasks...