The Gateway

The Chapters of 'The Gateway' which I had written so far.
The story is one of sin and retribution where the main character, John, becomes swept up with four children who have very right-wing views on the world and, as they do not believe in Hell, think that all those who have sinned must be dealt with accordingly in this world.

The Gateway - Chapter I: The Dream

The first chapter explains the dream the main character (John) has and explores his life in the city. (The age rating is 15 because in later chapters it becomes violent.)

The Gateway - Chapter II: Moving Day

John moves to Blackberry and meets an old man on the train who has blasphemous grandchildren who are being sent to Blackberry to be 're-educated'. PLEASE READ CHAPTER 1 FIRST!!!

The Gateway - Chapter III: Alice

John, William, Alice and Jane go for a picnic in Dark Moor. They see, and argue with, Andrew and his siblings there. PLEASE READ CHAPTERS 1 & 2 FIRST. Thank You.

The Gateway - Chapter IV: Atheist's Advocate

John goes to church where Andrew voices his anti-religious views. (Please read preceding chapters. Thank You)

The Gateway - Chapter V: Pearl Earring

John discovers someone has murdered all of the King's cattle during the night and tries to find the culprit. (Please read preceeding chapters)

The Gateway - Chapter VI: Suspicions and Speculations

Geoffrey decides to frame Susan for the murder of his cattle so no noe discovers his crime against Mary which would be brought to light if he accused her.

The Gateway - Chapter VII: Hell Hath No Fury

Susan and Mary make Geoffrey pay for his crimes. John watches in horror as things take a sinister turn. (Please read preceding chapters.)

The Gateway - Chapter VIII: Burning Hatred

Susan burns Geofrrey alive and then thinks of an alibi to save her from being hanged. (Please read preceeding chapters. Thank You)

The Gateway - Chapter X: Graveyard In Shadow

John meets Susan in the graveyard and sets off to see Mary. Felicity and Peter explore the mansion on Dark Moor.

The Gateway - Chapter XI: New Model Army

John finds out what Susan is planning and is introduced to an officer in training who is hoping to one day marry Susan.

The Gateway - Chapter XII: Tears Of An Angel

Susan's father arrives in the village, causing her to become overwhelmed with fear.