if i stay too long,tell me to leave

...more emotional turmoil? :-)... and a minute,almost microscopic amount of philosophizing


my dirty pleasure in pain

death,or the avoidence

the icy hold over my world is imagined,the mist clouding my perception but not my path.i'm not hallucinating.just telling myself stories,weaving a deception,a denial.i'm not numb.not blank.not weeping


you see no one elses faults like you see mine, i wonder why it is.why it can not be the way it was. and yet,i already know the answer.but maybe cannot stomach the truth.

the hesitation

to ache for what is not mine to have to savour the burn of rejection, without ever offering myself up to it. because i know that its there there is no doubt

the emotional monkey

a monkey is making light of my absurd view of life


the sky is black this night. hands held out before me, misted in pearlescent tones. the darkness mirrors all that i cannot know, nor see.

he is the air

i am away from him, more often than i am not. yet even as my breath slows after seeing him. thoughts of him do not slip away,do not leave. i tangle myself in them,curse my imagination