Lalique Glass

Lalique Glass

a nasty funny poem

Actually Odysseus

Actually Odysseus A few months down the line when you were hanging out with Lotus eaters and the Lady of the pigs I was at it with gusto with visiting princes ambassadors

London Aubade

London Aubade Every hair and inch of skin stayed wakeful all night blessed by busses that roared like dragons clocked by jealous hours which flew faster Streetlights faded from the orange

Wicked Uncles

Wicked Uncles I need a portfolio of wicked uncles to draw on in lean times a dividend of a decent lunch and an indecent flirt with the footsie smoked salmon and a glass of Bolly

Thinking of Chocolate

Thinking of chocolate is supposed to stop one from eating it so I'll dream of the stuff the good organic chocolate the kind I rarely get at Easter just good quality milk chocolate