My Memoires

I was born in 1927, so i'm now 86. My grandchildren have convinced me to write down my memories so that they can try to understand what life was like all those years ago.


Exams, Work and Firefighting ( Part 4)

I pass my exams and return to North London.But the bombings continue.

Australia Here We Come. ( Part 7)

Life on a 45,000 ton troopship is not for the faint hearted.

Marching and Knockouts. ( Part 6)

I'm transferred to another Naval base and start my "education".

Humble Beginnings ( Part 1)

The first few years of my life as a boy growing up in 1930's Islington.

War and Evacuation ( Part 2)

1939 and war is delared. I went to school one day and never went home again. I ended up in the country!

Love, Work and Rockets. ( Part 5)

I meet my future wife at the age of 17. Become lookout for the V1's and then join the Navy.

"The Little One", Earthquakes and Dorothy. ( Part 10)

I’m sure if you asked most people about Japan they would think of it as one complete land mass. Of course it isn’t. It’s made up of thousands of tiny...

The Wrong Mutton, Boobs, Chariot Races and Home. ( Part 11)

Early in 1947, my mate Jack and I were given a week’s leave to go to a place called Beppu. Beppu is on the island of Kyushu, which meant a very long...

Work, Weddings and Exams ( Part 12)

Although it was great to see mum and dad again, I couldn’t wait to see Evelyn. Somehow word reached her that I was home and within an hour she was...