Mystery/Crime Attempt

MCN Attempt Folder

Mystery story setup chapter

Deep in the middle of the night the city surrounding the tower rested so quietly that the only thing making any sounds were the hands of the giant...

Mystery Story setup chapter (part 2)

“ Who are you?” – Jane raised both guns and stepped back. He made no answer. “You can’t be here, the tower is closed off for everyone at night, no...

Mystery story setup chapter (part 3)

She had no time to shoot now, he tried to stab her in the chest but only managed to make a cut in her upper right arm, her reflexes again had not...

Mystery story setup chapter (Part 4)

BAWMM the gun went off once again, expecting not to get any particular body part, but the man’s attention, and hopefully confuse him enough to make...

Mystery story setup chapter (Part 5)

“I…I…need to keep moving”- She went on slowly, following the torches lined up towards the stairs that led to the upper floor, she picked up the gun...

Mystery story setup chapter (Part 6)

The next time the sound crept up from the floors below was when she was done installing the first two traps, placing them on the final stair step...

Mystery story setup chapter (Part 7)

Whether it was seconds, minutes or hours that had passed when she opened her eyes, Jane had no idea. She could now feel her body but still struggled...

Mystery story setup chapter (Part 8)

Jane got up to her feet and moved towards the next stairs walking awkwardly, it was not the ideal but another fall to the ground could be her demise...

Mystery Story setup chapter (Final part)

Jane flicked the switch and the multiple room area illuminated completely - Pretty lights- Aside from the twenty-first floor where the clock...