Pervenio pro somnium

Pervenio pro somnium
which is latin for: Reach for the dream

Please comment, i'd love to hear what you have to say! The z on some scenes is because it wouldn't go in order it doesn't mean anything else!

Plot- A boy has a dream of becoming an actor on stage. All the stages where musicals were shown are now in ruins and the only one left has been forced to shut down by the film companies. What will the boy do to fulfil his dream?


Elsa Van Delsa

Camera man


Leleanor please leave comments so i know what you think and how i can improve x


Scene 8

Scene 8- in room, filming ‘Why Not?’. Tristan is trying to get what he wants rather than what Elsa wants.

Act 1...Scene 1

Act 1 Scene 1- scenery is in a old play house, a ruin now, messed and deserted. Eva walks on.

Scene 2

Scene 2- scenery is a class room where chorus walk on. (Song Outta my hands)

Scene 3

Scene 3- class room (Brown pulls a chair out) Brown- Please sit! (Gav sits down)

Scene 4

Scene 4- on a street no-one is around. Scar is walking home. (Scar is humming touch of mine, Scar and Gav bang into each other)

Scene 6

Scene 6- In blue room, everything is white and blue, Scar is lying on the floor

Scene 7

Scene 7- Scar is on the street, so is Gav (Scar and Gav bang into each other) Gav- I’m sorry again.

Scene 5

Scene 5- In White room, Elsa Van Delsa is sat on her chair with everyone stood around. Elsa- I’m guessing there’s BAD NEWS!

Scene 9

Scene 9- Michaela and Sean are sat on a bench in the park, Scar and Gav come on and sit opposite them, the park is deserted and most of the toys are broken.

z.Scene 10

Scene 10- In an old street, 2 people are sat down on the street. They are homeless. Eva knows them, she walks up to them and sits down.

z.Scene 11

Scene 11- In White room, Elsa, Brown, Carlas and Carlos are talking. Elsa- Well Brown you lost both of them and they know everything!

z.Scene 12

Scene 12- Back in the class room, everyone is sat down, Brown walks in and waits until the class is over.

z.Scene 13

Scene 13- On their way to Leeds, the song is the travelling. Michaela- I can’t believe its happening!

z.Scene 15

Scene 14- Eva walks back onstage.

z.Scene 14

Scene 14- In the play house, Elsa surprises them. Scar- So what do you think we do?

zz.Act 2...Scene 1

Act 2- (song Goal in life) Scene 1- In dark cell, Scar, Gav, Michaela and Sean are stood. Scar- how do we get out! Michaela- and we were so close! Sean- i can’t believe this!

zz.Scene 2

Scene 2- On street. Carlas and Carlos run up to Eva, Liv and Haz. Haz- can we help you? Carlas- yes you can, we need your help!

zz.Scene 3

Scene 3- Elsa is talking to Scar and Gav, asking questions with Policeman 2. Elsa- so why? Gav- why what?