z.Scene 12
By Leleanor
- 434 reads
Scene 12- Back in the class room, everyone is sat down, Brown walks in and waits until the class is over.
Teacher- And so that’s how you work out the area of a triangle. Any questions?
Girl 1- So do we have any homework?
Teacher- yes, you just reminded me, i nearly sent you off without homework!
Class- awww!
Girl 1- sorry!
(Teacher hands out homework)
Boy 1- When’s it in for?
Girl 2- hopefully another 3 weeks!
Girl 3- but knowing miss, 2 days.
Teacher- actually, I’ll give you a week. Have it done for next Friday!
(Class walks off stage)
Teacher-(to Brown) any news?
Brown- no.
Teacher- i don’t know where they would go though.
Brown- it’s ok, you couldn’t exactly take him everywhere with you, it happens all the time.
Teacher- i feel really bad though, if there’s anything i can do to help, just call, I’ll answer.
Brown- actually now that you mention it, there is one thing.
Teacher- yes?
Brown- is there any friends of Gavin in your class?
Teacher- Well there’s people he got along with but he doesn’t really have any friends!
(Boy 1 walks on stage)
Boy 1- sorry miss i forgot my coat.
Teacher- you’re friends with Gavin aren’t you?
Boy 1- sort of, he was more independent and the kind of person who wanted to be left alone.
Brown- where do you think he might have gone?
Boy 1- i don’t know, he’s into acting so maybe a ruin or an old play house, something like that.
Brown- thank you young man, you’ve help solve a crime.
Boy 1- WHAT! I didn’t say anything to you; if anyone finds out I’ll be toast!
Brown- don’t worry anonymous boy.
(Boy 1 walks off stage)
Teacher- does that help?
Brown- yes, it helps a lot, thank you and I’ll see you later.
Teacher- Bye.
(Song Individuals)
(Brown runs back onstage)
Teacher- Oh hi.
Brown- I’m about to do something i should have done a long time ago!
Teacher- what!
(Brown kisses Teacher)
(They sing Individuals reprise)
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