zz.Act 2...Scene 1
By Leleanor
- 483 reads
Act 2- (song Goal in life)
Scene 1- In dark cell, Scar, Gav, Michaela and Sean are stood.
Scar- how do we get out!
Michaela- and we were so close!
Sean- i can’t believe this!
Scar- Gav, it’s your turn to moan about this!
Gav- why, it’s not gonna do anything, it’s not gonna get us out of here! Don’t you see Scar, this was a mistake we should never have done this!
Scar- What so we’d just get on with our lives and let Elsa push us around!
Gav- yes that’s exactly what we should have done!
Scar- Oh well you know what Gavin—
Sean- come on! We shouldn’t be fighting. We need each other at a time like this, that’s what friendship is!
Scar- he’s right!
Gav- yeah i supposed.
(Policeman 1 walks onstage)
Policeman 1- you two (pointing at Michaela and Sean), you come!
Michaela- NO!
Sean- Not without Scar and Gav!
Policeman 1- come or you get a handless girlfriend!
Michaela- come on Sean, let’s go!
(Michaela, Sean and Policeman 1 walk offstage)
Scar- Gav, urrrm, we’ve not known each other long. But i feel as if—
Gav- I’ve known you all my life!
Scar- yeah!
(Scar and Gav kiss)
Scar- urrrm so—
Gav- don’t you just love apple pie.
Scar- yes delicious!
(Song Chemistry)
(Policeman 2 walks on stage)
Policeman 2- You need to come!
Gav- well then Scar, let’s go!
(They walk off stage)
(Michaela, Sean and policeman 1 walk on)
Policeman 1- wait here!
(Policeman 1 walks offstage)
Michaela- Sean, i don’t ever want you to go!
Sean- same for you Michaela!
Michaela- yeah cos i love you and you know that!
Sean- ditto!
(Song don’t go)
(Brown and Policeman 1 walk onstage)
Brown- so!
Sean- So...
Brown- so you decide to go on a mission to bring back the old laws!
Michaela- yeah pretty much!
Brown- You go from London to Leeds to find some old play house!
Sean- yeah that’s about right!
Michaela- anything else?
Brown- Yes! Who told them?
Sean- hmmm, i think Scar said some randomer!
Brown- was this randomer called Eva?
Michaela- yeah i think she said that to me on the way to Leeds!
Brown- arrgh!
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