Rainbow Hunting

The colours of the rainbow, always a vision of hope and a promise of forgiveness and mercy, is witness of a sacred vow. This is my hope my rainbow, my joy, such is the splendour, the beauty of creation!


Colours of my Rainbow

From the outside above the spectrum starts with a red band and steps down to purple inside. The colours are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo...

Many Rainbows

A real rainbow, one in the sky, comes together with rain after an afternoon shower. Usually fragments only pieces between patches cloud can be seen...

Promise of the Rainbow

The Ark The Lord said, every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth. The same day were all the fountains of...

Rainbow storm

2021 – 11 – 06 Pretoria Venturing out to look at the rain and the storm, very surprised I saw in wonder a ribbon just slightly vague through the...

The Wonder of a Rainbow

There it was. Glorious. Wondrous. Grand. Royal. Yesterday afternoon I saw a rainbow. It was just now and it was only the second one this year. There...

Yesterday I saw a rainbow

Hoping and waiting so terribly long looking searching for ten years there were only occasional glimpses very occasional small fragments. At last, and...

A Christmas Rainbow

There was a rainbow monday afternoon there was a rain shower I went outside and there it was. I was surprised I'd only vaguely hoped. The full...

Two Rainbows

Just now after a summer shower we saw a rainbow it was very low because it was still early afternoon. It was beautiful the sun was still quite high...