Colours of my Rainbow
By Tom Brown
- 760 reads
From the outside above the spectrum starts with a red band and steps down to purple inside. The colours are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
The visible light spectrum consists of the seven colours. I speak of my own experience my observations and ideas. There is something for each colour all of a similar description but without following any established convention or traditions. It is not imitated nor meant to be presented as official in any way.
These are my rainbow colours in precious stones gems and plants and flowers :
Red is the blood ruby and a crimson carnation or a rose, orange is lustre of garnet, aloe's flames of the wilds of Africa's mountains and bushveld. Yellow is amber, topaz and citrine, happiness and sunflowers. Daffodils. Tulips. Emeralds olivine beryl are green as are shamrock, ferns and fields of clover.
A diamond's fire, sapphire and aquamarine are clear blue gemstones, azure the colour of the clear blue sky. Merry the bluebell's flowers, pale blue is the morning glory to blossom at dawn and fade and wither with sunset.
Indigo is bright purple the stones of chalcedony and Tanzanite, lavender, heather and jacarandas in full bloom over Pretoria in October. The rose of Sharon. A deeper purple, like amethyst are lilac, hyacinth and magnolia, is of the iris and African violet.
Feelings and emotion can also be described in colours. My rainbow colours are :
Red is for young hearts for love and courting, for romance and passion ; Orange for courage and faith ; Yellow is loyalty trust and faithfulness.
Nature and life peace and calm is green ; Blue is the sky and the sea, clean, clear, pure, blue is truth and freedom.
Indigo and violet in shades and hues of purple, tender love divine and gentle, that which is noble, just, righteous and royal and for victory and glory.
Always a vision of hope and a promise of mercy, forgiveness, of a sacred vow. This is my hope my rainbow, my joy, such is the splendour, the beauty of Creation!
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