Sea of Poetic Thoughts

Swimming through my brain.

Circular Laterations

Circular Thought!


Eternal Choice

Simplicity Redeemed

What's in a kiss, a simple kiss, Other than a world of bliss, Opened at that heavenly hour, Into the lovers' tumbling tower, To try and love an endless soul,

Inferno of the Mind

Stiing behind the safety fence, Watching the world in flames, What good are their false promises, Their pledges and their claims; Whilst, I spin, pace, walk, turn,

The Beach of Raven Feathers

To wander in the phoenix covered sky, Above the clouds that never truely lie; Try then to sit on rocky barren highs, Where only wind can breathe its deepest sighs;

Digital Age (Into the Void)

How many people trawl the internet? How much DATA exists? Why?