sense within nonsense

This collection is purely full of headbenders.

piece 1:.(S).Catcident............................(D)
piece 2:.(E).Trouble belongs to me........(E)
piece 3:.(N).The nail in the coffin...........(A)
piece 4:.(S).Of that which concerns vanity: A short polemic for great writers...................................................(T)
piece 5:.(E).A sense of Literary death...(H)

Thank you for reading...and my humble apologies for writing nonsense


I really enjoyed reading this. I will read it again some time because while I was trying to read it just now I had my mum rabbiting on in my ears. It was brilliant how it went from the start hardly making any sense, and then it all tied in at the end. I loved it. This is the kind of stuff I like to read. Have a read of my stuff if you have time. Rachel


This was intially a short story/love letter/suicide note. Needlesss to say I deleted most of the prose and this is what I came up with.

A sense of literary death

A sense of literary death I was with her the last time... She was my better half...