A series of silly strange short stories (and one poem)

As the title suggests, these pieces should not be taken seriously. They were written purely for fun, usually as part of a game to combine a series of random objects into a story - a cow, and elephant and a boat became Daisy the Elephant for example.

I had fun writing them and their content should not in any way be taken as an accurate reflection of my mental health. I am actually a very sane person indeed and just take the tablets to keep the little purple pixes happy.

Cuthbert the dinosaur

Starts silly, gets even sillier.

Cecil the dragon

Why are dragons always the baddies?

Daisy the elephant

Daisy is an elephant. But Daisy doesn't want to be an elephant any more. Diasy wants to be...a cow. Warning! Taking this story seriously could seriously damage your health.

Fred the penguin

Food problems in the Antartic

Gertrude the gosling

A gosling, a hot-air baloon and a rubber chicken. Really.