
My poems with a religious theme

Gold cherry

Dark Night of the Soul

The dark night of the soul is a recognised period of spiritual development; when the person can lose all belief until the self as ego is abandoned. The two saints who exemplified this for me are St John of The Cross, and St Therese of Lisieux, (image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

Jesus was a Rebel

A personal reflection at Easter. That for myself the truth that Jesus taught is still relevant, even after organised religion squandered it.
Gold cherry

Another Shore

Turn down the empty glass can have two meanings; one being at sea the turning of the hour glass to mark each watch hour; the other is to turn down one's glass, to show that the drinking has now ended.

Al Hallows Eve

The poem - Allhallows from last year, which I've revised into a new version
Gold cherry

Strange Advent

A revision of a poem I posted last year. Sadly, nothing has changed. Image courtesy of Grumpy Beere from Pixabay

The Devil Walked Out

We are 'doing' Stevie Smith in my poetry group, and I like her poetry. This is my homage to her style, inspired by her own 'God and the Devil'. (Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)