Stirrings of unrest

Just to warn you - these aren't the happiest of pieces. They deal with love, loss and the end of the world (although not all at once.) Some people die. Other's just get dumped.

That's about it really.

Have fun. And if you get too depressed read some of the pieces in my 'Fluff' collection - light and fizzy and no deaths in sight.


There's is life after love, it just hurts to get there.

A second flood

Please don't read this if you were at all affected by the Tsunami. I don't want to upset or offend anyone. It was written years ago and is just meant as a poem - nothing more. Thanks.

Future reality

Rather depressing I know and I don't really think the world is like this - although it can be hard to forget the good parts when you see the news some days.

Moving on

Getting over love