
Shall gods be said to thump the clouds when clouds are cursed by thunder,
Be said to weep when weather howls? Shall rainbows be their tunics' colour?

& Dylan Thomas

dismal ceremony

elements in balance shadow falls wedding feast wind marries cloud misty robe grey dress dark veil you may kiss kiss a fire savage fearful beauty...

dread the storm born

breath of love mystery of faith clouds as wings carry a child expecting laden weeps for life sobbing water heavy burden ominous building up in anger...

ice on fire

storm of whispers whispers the storm gentle silence of thunder hushed thunder of silence mad love free flowing fire frozen free fire flow blaze...

invitation to the storm

hear tidings of the dance as whispers hushed lightning begins the song from far proclaims wind is bringer of news afar of the storm announce the...

spear of light

first bolt living lightning flows trembles thunder shiver shudder wet cold fever gives life to alive deed of creation forever moment unending blast...

storms in love

there were clouds and the wind loved the clouds white dust thundering stallions driven across before the sun race chariots smoke and ashes across the...

the wind awakens

holding breath she hums lullaby she waits calm hides quiet shy murmurs mild rain ancient comfort waves of grass leaves that flutter shivering reeds...

misty grey rain

without you outside hangs a wet misty grey blanket which enfolds and comforts the earth as in my arms i want to hold you now fields waiting in...