Things Matter etc

Weekly columns that I write for the Enfield Gazette and Advertiser.

Things That Don’t Matter 2: The X Factor

I’m sitting here, listening to the great Amy Winehouse. What a rare talent she is, a classic voice that sings beautifully crafted pop songs.

Things That Matter Number 10: Arts Centres

I went to a launch event of the brand new Bernie Grant Arts Centre last week. It’s based in Tottenham and very splendid it is too.

Things that don't matter.

Things That Don’t Matter: Singing in public places

Things That Don't Matter: The British Class System

I was at some 'do' the other week with a playwright that I know. It was a posh affair in Islington, full of canapés and sun dried tomatoes.

Sunday Shopping at York Retail Outlet

Buying quality clothing at York Retail Outlet won't change your life to a Sunday supplement paradise. You ill-fitting phalanx!

Two Magpies Dead

This night screams for mercy, as you tell yourself a tale. Keeping your own company, is the man who never learnt good. The brains of a rocking horse...