The War for Miogaror [[Unfinished]]

Miogaror is a world consisting of four large nations: Incendia, Unda, Ventus and Silicis all of which levitate high in the clouds.

A band of Sky Pirates have just recieved a profitable job, from none other than the King of Nare, the leading Kingdom of Ventus.

Dazzled by the riches, the pirates accept the offer, but are soon landed in something much bigger than expected, and they too become a key element in a non-forgiving battle.

(This is a first draft.)


The War for Miogaror: Chapter 1

“Thieves! Stop them!” Frantically scrambling his way through the bustling people, a stout, angry Dwarf was on the hot pursue of three young men.

The War for Miogaror: Chapter 2

“Who are you?” “My name is Skylar.” “You don’t belong here.” “…What?” “But I can give you what you seek…”

The War for Miogaror: Chapter 3

“I believe we do have more important matters to speak of. I must tell each of you why I have summoned you.”

The War for Miogaror: Chapter 4

With arrangements made, it was time to depart, The crew was split, and the journey just beginning.

The War for Miogaror: Chapter 5

No longer was he swinging his arms around to the beat of his song. No longer were the creative words flowing from his lips, instead, blood and a gargling in his throat.

The War for Miogaror: Chapter 6

“It was just...a horrible, horrible accident. I...I didn't mean too. After all that time, I hated him, but not that much. I would've never...I would've never...”

The War for Miogaror: Chapter 7 pt 1

SORRY FOR THE DELAY! Skylar begins to find the truth hidden amongst the journals words