The War for Miogaror: Chapter 7 pt 2
By Shannysaur
- 389 reads
Date: Shidas, 1st of Uayibus, 947
Today the scholar took me to his study in the palace. He had a spread of artifacts across his desk, all of which had been found in the southern ruin. Very little is known about these objects, and with all the scholars minds at a dead end, they were about to abandon research completely. However, Ansel is saying my findings have re-sparked their thirst, and arrangements are being made to travel once again to the south.
“Ansel...I believe I met him once. I have vague memories of him. Tall, skinny man. Glasses, shaggy hair.” Skylar said.
“You're dad took you to Nare then?”
“He must of done. I don't really remember why though.”
Date: Oridas, 9th of Uayibus, 947
We have finally departed Nare. The boat is pretty small. I do suppose that makes sense since there are only 5 of us on board; Me, Ansel, another scholar known as Harriot, and two brutish fellows that I presume will be doing most of the digging. We go south, towards the Ioner Mountains. They say griffins live there, how exciting it would be to see one! We are due to arrive in 3 days.
Date: Thidas, 12th of Uayibus, 947
Our ship has landed just outside of the ruins, and I do believe on our landing I caught glimpse of a griffin silhouette flying past a mountain! I am already excited.
Date: Erdas, 3rd of Kumkus, 947
Weeks have passed in those ruins. They were in far better condition than the ones at home. We have gathered many objects; books, pottery, maps all of which will be properly examined upon our return to Nare. Also, I found a griffin feather! They are said to bring great fortune! I believe I will be keeping it close.
Date: Lundas, 6th of Kumkus, 947
We have returned to Nare, and all the findings are being moved to Ansel’s study. It is late, so we return tomorrow morn to investigate them.
Date: Shidas, 8th of Kumkus, 947
Stumbling tired into my room, I come across a letter addressed to me resting upon my pillow. It was from Arianna! She believes the baby is on its way! Sadly, I must leave Nare, and return home to meet my child. I could not be more thrilled!
“Hey Karraj, look. I'm about to be born.” Skylar pointed at the curvy writing. Karraj placed her head on his shoulder and read along with him.
Date: Thidas, 12th of Kumkus, 947
I am finally home, but the child has not yet been birthed. Yet they kick as if they only wish to escape! It is nice to be home. I have missed my Arianna ever so much.
Date: Shidas, 15th of Kumkus 947
Arianna’s water broke this eve and she has been taken up to the church for the healer’s to help her deliver. I am not allowed in as of yet, but soon I will meet the bundle of joy that is our child.
Date: Oridas, 16th of Kumkus 947
Our child…he…he has a horn. This is certainly shocking. The healers were dumbfounded. They summoned the High Priest who shunned us from the church, claiming our son was devil spawn. Arianna is a mess. She hasn’t stopped crying since we returned to the house, nor has she looked upon little Skylar. Already the neighbours are whispering. I have no mind for what they say; he is my son, and my heart swells with unconditional love for him.
Over and over he read the words in his mind; “my heart swells with unconditional love for him”.
“He said he loved me Karraj...” Skylars voice trembled in disbelief. “He loved me Karraj, and you know what I did? I fucking stabbed him.”
Karraj wrapped her warm arms around his shaking figure, “It was an accident, just like you said. A cruel turn of fate.
“I don't know if him loving me is a good or a bad thing. At least, when I though he hated me, I could detach myself from the murder, at least a little.” Skylar flicked through a chunk of pages, “I don't want to look at that anymore, I can't.”
Date: Oridas, 16th of Baktus, 947
Little Skylar is now two months old. Bless Aevum, he is adorable. At first I was worried the horn may of caused some health problems, but no, he seems to be happy and hearty! Some of the neighbours have became to accept Skylar. Oranor has became like an uncle to him. However, I am afraid that Arianna still hasn’t come to terms with her child. She will sit with a distant, ghostly expression on her face, and simply stare at him. I do hope she comes to see what a beautiful boy he is.
Skylar furrowed his brow over the last remarks, but said nothing. He simply flicked further ahead through the journal.
Date: Oridas, 16th of Kumkus, 948
It’s Skylar’s first birthday today! Oranor’s wife baked the cake, and it is splendid! Also, he’s been using the furniture to help him walk about. My, it seems like just yesterday he could barely move at all! I also received a letter from Nare yesterday. They wish to see me again to continue research. I plan to visit next week for a week or two before returning home.
Date: Erdas, 3rd of Haabius, 948
I almost forgot how splendid Nare was! I was welcomed warmly by Ansel, and he whisked me straight to his study. Over the past year they discovered another set of ruins north of Brezerus. Sadly, despite finding more artefacts, they have came no closer to finding the source or what they read. It seems that my old, flimsy hunting book will be the only thing to become translated. However, they have given me a small pack of things Ansel considers to be particularly fascinating, and hope I can see something they did not.
Date: Thidas, 5th of Haabius, 948
I have returned home by a simply ‘hi’ from my son! Sadly, I missed the first time he spoke, but nonetheless I am thrilled! It also appears the little scamp got into my study whilst I was away; there are a few books scattered around! So I shall clean up and begin examining the gifts from Ansel.
Date: Vidas, 11th of Mayaus, 948
I have looked over everything that was given to me. The map is of a land mass that does not appear to add up to any of the islands. How unusual. I now highly suspect that these belongings come from a place that no longer exists.
Date: Erdas, 17th of Mayaus, 948
Skylar drew the most peculiar picture today; well, not so much the picture, but he had scribbled out some of the characters in my books, which match up perfectly. How oddly bright of him.
Sudden, he shut the little book over.
“I can't read any more of this just now.” His voice was small.
“Well we have plenty of time ahead of us for you to read at your own pace. Discover the rest in the near future. For now, we should rest. We have another hard days ride for us tomorrow.”
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