The War for Miogaror: Chapter 2
By Shannysaur
- 500 reads
Chapter 2
Rain was falling hard on the cobbled streets of Uhori; a town located on a small island off the southern coast of Silicis. a terrible storm had consumed the whole island. It had been raging on for weeks now. The sky; black like a never ending night time, the thick parade of grey clouds, the lightning that gleefully danced across the sky, the howling and moaning of the wind. Running footsteps and screams could be heard when the thunder had quieted from it’s mighty roar. People were obviously advised not to go out, but they ran out for food and water, they had no choice. The few that were out in the storm found it hard to walk against the winds powerful force. Tiles were flying off the roofs and trees were slowly being ripped out from their eternal standing spot. Wagons and carts were being flipped over and there was no hope for the small wildlife that could often be seen. If anyone came out in this, it wouldn’t be long before they were whisked away to who-knows-where.
Just off the coast of the island, slowly closing in on the dark whirlpool in the sky, was a boat. With the wind in its favour, its speed was the highest it had even been. It’s golden propellers gleaming in the sunlight, it’s large sail puffing out its chest and the men on board scuttling about arming themselves with rifles, shotguns, pistols, swords, daggers and any other weapon they had on board the flying vessel. Cannons were being wheeled into place, loaded, then aimed downward ready to be fired. The boat was now slowly starting to be consumed by the darkness and it got terribly hard to see, but this was no problem for the power of the Captain. He was known to have the best eyesight around, could see for miles, and able to see things in the distances before they were even a speck to anyone else. Yes, he was a very powerful man. After an hour floating inside the grey clouds, watching the lightning dance all around, the boat hung steadily in the air. The captain turned away from his wheel and walked toward the group of men standing on the deck, his boots making a squeaky sound. He gave a small nod to the crew who were standing at the edge of the boat. They nodded in return and each threw a long rope down from the side.
The boat shuddered suddenly, throwing Skylar back into the world of reality. He sat up, dazed still, and rubbed violently at his eyes. Still sitting in bed, he stretched and looked up to his window, trying to peer out as best he could from this angle. All he could see was dark. After a few minutes of simply sitting and one final stretch, Skylar swung his feet off the bed and slipped them into his boots. With that, he left the room to go and investigate. He prowled along the corridor leading to the stairs that would take him to the deck. Nobody was around and again, everything outside the window was dark. Skipping up the stairs he was soon outside, where a few men were standing around, including the Captain. The Captain noticed him, and hastily shoved something into his pocket, before walking over and placing a firm hand on his shoulder.
“Good evening, boy! How did ye sleep?” His face was bright and beaming.
“Eh, yeah, well!” said Skylar, returning a smile to the Captian. He could see clearly now that the ship had landed somewhere. The ground below was grassy, and a forest could be seen in the distance, “Where are we? We aren’t at Nare already, are we?”
The captain burst out laughing, “Pah ha ha! Does this look like a Kingdom to you? Course we’re not there yet! We’re on a small island; Jujugo. Turns out we ‘ave a bit o’ a supply shortage…” The Captain paused, giving a particularly blaming look. Roan and Skylar we’re meant to get supplies back in Nalee, not get thrown in jail. “Anyway! We’re in a bit o’ a fickle. The people ‘ere are very stubborn and are refusing to sell any o’ the men anything! Not even a bloody loaf o’ bread! Bah!”
The captain stomped over to the ships railings were the boardwalk had been lowered. Another small group of men were returning.
“Manage to get anything laddies?” inquired the captain as soon as the men were back on board.
“Nothing.” said the men, each shaking their head and holding up empty hands.
“Ack! At this rate we’ll be stranded on this bloody lil’ island! Skylar! Your turn boy! See if ye can sort ‘em out!”
Skylar came forward and took one of the lit lanterns off another sailor. He plodded down the boardwalk and onto the soft grass below. A whisk of wind blew past him. It smelt sweet and fresh. Following the path of footsteps left by the previous group, he walked across the open green field. The moon shone brightly down on the grass, bathing it in a gentle silver light. Stars were sprayed across the dark sky, like a thousand little lights hanging on a black wall. Now halfway between the ship and the edge of the forest, the sounds of music were now carried on the breath of wind. The singing notes of flutes, and the rhythmical beating of a drum. Even though barely audible, the song was enchanting. Either the footsteps or the song led him on to the mouth of the forest where the grass hardened into a dirty path. Peering inbetween the trees, nothing could be seen more than a few meters away, the dark engulfed the path. However, the darkness wasn’t intimating, instead it was welcoming.
The beat of the drum was louder now, and it pushed him onwards. Skylar entered the forest without second thought. He felt as if he was being pulled along, summoned almost. He didn’t need the lantern to see where he was going, he could feel where he was going, and it didn’t take him long to reach an opening.
A large portion of the forest had been cleared to make way for what stood in front of him. Brightly painted wooden huts had been erected around the edge of the opening, following a horseshoe shape. Heavy brown cloth, that had been embroided with complex and colourful designs of birds, was used as a door. Large feathers stuck out of the roofs giving the buildings some ornamental detail. A giant blazing fire was in the centre of the horseshoe; the flames licked up into the sky, following the rhythm of the music being played. The inhabitants of the village were also by the fire. They were strange people, if that’s what you could call them. They had a grey complexion, with matching grey hair, braided, decorated with small beads. Only the upper half of the face was human. The eyes were slightly more enlarged, however, and very dark, touching on black. The bottom half; a proud orange beak, with a singular red stripe up the middle. The torso remained human, whilst the arms were a mixture of man and bird - a human arm, with a large wing protruding from the back of it, covered in grey, colourful tipped feathers. The whole lower half was that of a bird, powerful legs with impressive talons.
Skylar approached the bird people, who were the source of the music. They were singing, dancing and chanting in a tongue unknown to him; and as they done so, the fire created birds of flame that soared into the sky, then gently dispersed into smoke.
Tentatively, he drew closer to the mysterious group, unsure of what to say or do. It wasn’t until he gently spoke that they took notice of his presence.
“H-hello?” he muttered quietly.
Everyone immediately stopped dancing. The music faltered, became out of tune before silencing after a clumsy drum beat. All eyes were on him, and it felt as if he was the prey to one hundred hawks all waiting to strike.
“Uhm, hello?” Skylar uttered again, “My, my name is Skylar, and I would like to purchase some of your wares.”
He looked around the group, as they stared back. They began to whisper amongst themselves.
Unintelligible sentences and noises whirled past him, until they were calmly hushed, and he heard a voice that he could understand.
“Welcome, child.”
The voice was firm, yet gentle. The calm tone of a leader. From amongst the crowd a hunched over bird-man made his way over to Skylar. He wore a tall, decorative headpiece of rainbow feathers, carried a knobbly staff with intricate cravings, and his body and beak were painted with stripes and swirls. Standing right in front of him, he could see how small the bird man was. He was only about half his height, age had taken its toll.
“What do you seek?” the old man asked, gazing deeply at Skylar, his eyes filled with wisdom.
He found himself bewitched by those eyes as he stared deeply. He became lost in thoughts, in memories in his heart. Suddenly Skylar felt that he had forgotten why he came here and even where he even was. He became trapped in his own mind, his thoughts weaving and wavering. Everything seemed to swirl and dance before him, objects grew and slowly shrunk in size, as if they were like a wave. Closing his eyes, he steadied himself, yet upon opening them again, he found himself standing in an abandoned space, a space of complete darkness and emptiness. Standing still in the centre, screams and cries for help merely dying on his tongue.
“What do you seek?”
The voice echoed all around him and engulfed his entire being. He felt himself shiver as the voice slowly drifted away. He could feel something well up inside him, his heart ached.
“To what questions? What do you seek?”
“From whom?”
“I want to feel like I belong.”
“Belong where?”
“Somewhere…I want to know where my home is.”
“I want to know….what I am…”
“Who are you?”
“Who am I?”
“Who are you?”
“My name is Skylar.”
“You don’t belong here.”
“But I can give you what you seek…”
“Child, child, what ailes you?” the bird man spoke gently, “What do you seek?”
“Oh! I, eh…” Skylar came back suddenly, as if he had been daydreaming, only now hearing the man, “I …I would like to purchase some food…some water….some…” His head became dizzy, his vision became blurred and within moments, he collapsed.
“Are ye ready for this lads?!” shouted the Captain in his deep, powerful voice.
“Aye, Aye!”
“Now you,” the captain singled out a certain member of the crew, “Are you sure your ready to do this lad, ye know what ye have to do? Ye can stay ‘ere if ye want, I understand.”
“No, I’m ready for this.” His face was hidden by sheets of rain and it was terribly dark, but the burning flame of desire showed clearly in his eyes.
“Good to hear boy!” chuckled the captain, “Now! Everyone! Get tae yer stations!”
Some men huddled over to the cannons that had been set up earlier, trying to strike a match to light the wick. Others were lining up beside the four ropes that were dangling into the black cloud abyss below. One after one, the men would slide down the rope, vanishing. The first boom of the cannon went off quickly followed by another and another and in the distance, fearful screams could be heard below the boat. Only two men were now waiting to go down the ropes, the captain and the member of crew he questioned earlier.
“Your turn now laddy, down ye go, quick, quick. I want to get in there as fast as possible.” The captain again chuckled his infamous laugh. “Oh, your gonna enjoy this. I can see that murderous glint in your eye! Have fun, Skylar, me boy.”
The boy looked up, “Thanks Captain.” He smirked evilly and continued to descend.
A gentle aroma soon became very aware to him, the mingled scents of burning plants created a soothing sensation to all of his senses. Opening his eyes, he stared forward at the ceiling. Several rounded branches passing back and forth, nooks and crannies stuffed with leaves and mosses. The soft hum of voices were near. Skylar slowly rotated his head in their direction, catching glimpses of bizarre nicnaks and ornaments as his eyes traced over the room. Blurred images stood in by the door, murmuring in an unknown tongue.
“Mxyc yc mxa ura! Mxa ‘Cyhtan Xurn ud mxa Luur’!”
The now clear bird figure raised one feathered arm in Skylars direction.
“Ahh, he has awakened…”
The Elder hobbled over to Skylar, slowly extracting a leather bound parcel from a pocket in his robe, “Sit up child, sit up.”
Heaving himself upright, and ignoring the wave of nausea as he did so, Skylar sat up, his back leaning gently on the wooden wall of the hut.
“I have been talking with the rest of the village,” began the Elder, as he took rest at the end of the bed, parcel now on his lap, “and we have come to this decision. On behalf of my people, we would wish for you to take this item.”
His frail hands lifted the long gift, and with a shaky grasp, handed it over to Skylar.
“…What is it?”
“You may open it and see.”
Pulling a piece of hand-made twine, Skylar unravelled the parcel.
A beautiful dagger lay amongst the leather sheet. A shimmer silver handle gleamed immaculately up to the point with one side engraved with strange characters. The handle shone with the utmost brilliance. Gold laced with threads of precious rainbow metals, with a small, violet jewel in the form of what appeared to be a whirlwind encrusted into it.
His jaw dropped slightly as he gazed upon it. Picking it up, amazed by its light weight, he held it closer to him, admiring every careful detail put into the blade.
“It’s…its unworldly…” he uttered eventually, forcing himself out of his own world, “but why do you want me to have this?”
“The reason does not matter child, you will know in time. Some villagers weren’t pleased with it, but I told them! I told them old Rosoko knows…I told them what I feel from you, your aura. You will need this soon, I told them, old Rosoko told them! Now child, you appear to have guests, you don’t mean to keep them waiting…”
Elder Rosoko signalled over to the man he was talking with earlier, and he opened the door. Sure enough, there stood Roan and Zayden.
“What are you two doing here?”
Roan stepped forward, big smile on his face, “Capt’n got impatient waiting around on you, said he would strangle you if we missed out on our mission from Nare. He managed to buy some supplies then he and the rest of the crew went ahead. We’ve to catch up on the lifeboat and meet them in The Talon inn.”
“It sounds like you must make haste. You may buy any materials off of us that you require. Again, I have spoken to the rest of the village.”
Skylar turned to face Elder Rosoko. He stared into his gentle eyes, a soft soul filled with the wisdom of what seemed like thousands of years, “Thank you. For everything, Elder. Especially the blade, its beautiful.” He carefully put it into his sheath and stood up.
“It is Rosoko's pleasure, now go. Your future awaits you.”
With that, the group left, and began collecting all the items they were originally here to get. An hour or so later, as the first light of day began to appear, they left back through the forest, loaded the ship, and took off for Nare.
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lighting that gleefully
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