Wealth wise

You run for me here and there,
Your search for me is loud and clear,
Money, money, money- you cry
Come to me, in vain I try
To turn you round and look a me,,
Quietly waiting for you to see
I am within and not without
Come my dear, find me out
Thieves can never reach me here.
Open your doors- the world may share!
And yet your riches will only grow
Your wealth rues for you to know
You and me are but the same
Find me out, it is game

The Bird

The Bird on her golden perch, strained her neck and bent her head To look around and down, You should never try to fly, her master said. The master had a little son, who opened the tiny chain

Love and Nature

Stop running after mirages knocking on closed doors Come out in the open, the world that's yours Why run here and there, why knock on closed doors. Come out of your closet, into the eternal fold

The Voice

I stopped suddenly at my journey's end A sudden pull , a sudden jerk I looked back with a heavy heart To the past that was coming dark; The happy days I spent, The love that I shared The things that made me laugh

The Scholar

I am a wise man, a philosopher I am ! I don't care a damn for you, I give a fig for them. The world is full of fools , I'll prove beyond doubt Negation is the buzzword, positive is out. Why run after illusions !

Making of Pinky

Pinky still remembers with a shudder her encounter with the strange tutor.