Mo Mowlam

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Mo Mowlam

I have just heard on the news that Mo is very ill. Her old man, Jon, is chair of our trustees and they are both big fans of ABC.

Our thoughts are with her and Jon.

Ah I know - saw that today too. I'm a huge fan of Mo Mowlam - was kicking myself the brighton festival before last when I didn't book quick enough to see her talk. Wonderful woman. Fingers crossed.
She's always just herself - no side to her - and that's an incredible achievement for someone who has been in the positions she has - a fantastic woman.
I always found her to be refreshingly real and unpretentious, which is a miracle in government. People seldom get so far up the ladder without wearing several masks. My thoughts are with you, Mo.
I hope she gets well. I always like her. She was quite entertaining as an interviewee, that's for sure.
God what a shame. 55. RIP Mo.
hear hear. A great and brave politician and something of a fox in her younger years- I'm sure she wouldn't mind that being said.
She was great. A legend. She once wrote something for ABC. Perhaps it could be locxated. Can anyone find it? Sad


I just saw the sad news. She was great. In terms of ABC, I think she wrote a piece that appeared in the original print magazine at the time of the web site launch.
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Integrity is a word one can seldom use to describe anyone to have worked government - but it is befitting of this marvellous, brave woman. RIP
Cook and Mowlam both gone in a week - well that's halved my list of prefered politicians :o(
Mo's piece is still on here - and it reads with added poignancy today:
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