Well that's another fine mess...

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Well that's another fine mess...

Oh my god, what in hell's name's going on in Basra?

Every now and then some of the Iraqi people start to believe that they now govern themselves and we really are there to help them and so they get upset when we shoot at their policemen... you'd have thought the truth would have dawned on them by now.
Defence Secretary John Reid said "Iraqi law is very clear. British personnel are immune from Iraqi legal process. They remain subject to British law." It makes you Wonder if it also says "All Iraqi oil belongs to Bush."... and who wrote the laws in the first place!
You really are a prize dickhead aren't you, slimey?


The situation just seems to be imploding from every angle (that phrase doesn't technically make sense does it, but you know what I mean...) Depressing stuff.
Of course the only REALLY workable solution is for the UN to excercise some authority, order all foreign nationals out of Iraq and tell the Iraqis they either respect human rights in their country or the UN will enforce them. They then need to tell every other country the same thing, and that includes Iran, Israel, North Korea, USA, China, the whole of South America and the UK. Fat chance!


For some reason, combining the words "workable solution" and "UN" do not inspre confidence and peace of mind. It's not a banana...it's a toy.

It's not a bug...it's a feature.

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