What a piece of work is a: Narcissa
Mon, 2005-11-21 14:20
What a piece of work is a: Narcissa
Usually I don't start threads, being the shy sort.
There are rather a lot of good ones today that I don't want to just pass by.
The bit about the hair being like currency and breaking from a corset bone by bone with a tongue is excellent.
Not sure about the need for a line break on the final two lines.
Very much enjoyed.
Yes, I thought this had a powerful, measured and consistent tone. Ideally, I'd want a bit more of the torture towards the end of the poem, and a little less of the buffing in the first two thirds. I took the bone breaking to be literal bone breaking, rather than a description of him being released from the corset. It sounds wonderful, but only because I've never broken any bones, and the closest thing I can imagine in my head is having all my joints cracked. Mmm.
I found it powerful and haunting. Read it two or three times over and it begins to become deeply disturbing. The images are raw and accessible - excellent.
I took a break from Nano writing to read this...
WOW, loved it!