ABCtales Big Brother

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ABCtales Big Brother

So if we had an ABCtales Big Brother, who would the "contestants" be? Who would be pissing everybody else off? Who would be first to be voted out? Who would start fooling around with who? Who would really embarrass themselves?

There must be a million possible permutations, but .....

..... Who would win?

Rachel Coates would win - hands down. She'd charm us with Lily, Party 'till things spilled down her front, keep the peace and swear a lot. Perfect.... ...for big brother.
I reckon Rokkitnite. He would out wit and out party most of us. Span
I'd probably go first as people wouldn't be able to cope with my brutal honesty.


I'd escape.


I'd help by giving you a leg up.


Well I would be wearing underwear


I'd get thrown out for wearing a Pete Burns skin coat.
I agree with Span. I would win, but only because I'm a transexual.
Erm... that is the one where you like having sex with Transformers, right?
I think Ely would win it - just for his rants in the diary room.
I vote Pepsoid to win, he could keep us all amused with endless tales and anecdotes from Larry & Mick and he could do the task for us such as pushing around a barrowful of cherries and eating 200 of them every 15 mins for 24 hours.
Serious conjecture in the house as to whether karl is wearing a gorilla skin coat.
I think I'd vote for Ely but then the public opinion often changes radically once the person is revealed under the camera. Maybe after a few days Ely will stop being hilarious and start chewing his own toenails and bitching about everyone else behind their backs.


..or if the gorilla is wearing a Ralph Dartford coat


err.... EXCUSE ME madam but I think you'll find that revealing myself under the camera is my best side!!! ahem! seeing as more than one wonderfully observant and genuinely intelligent individual has voted for me I can't return the favour even though they're all worthy candidates and voting for the management would be just too toady (otherwise I really would honest) so I'll vote for Missi because we all know that underneath that harsh exterior he's just one big old hug in a bucket and that's what the world needs right now.
... and have you SEEN my toenails??? me neither since I was about 23.
I'll be Big Brother. Persons who go extremely overboard with the antisocial behaviour will be muted before disappearing in a how-do-they-do-that sort of way. ---- John H


Doesn't that happen on the site anyway?
I think Dan would win. Rokkit would be arrested by the Police for wearing a chinchilla coat. Span would be the eyecandy. Jude could hide the beer under her bed. Hen and Missi, just for old time's sake, could be Pete Burns and Jodie Marsh. Pesky could be Tracy Bingham, but with brains and wit (i.e. not Tracy Bingham at all), Fish could be a cleverer, beter looking Chantelle - but only if she agreed to having hair extentions that look like pondweed, to keep something in common with the original. I could be George Galloway, and pull out my own eyes and tongue for the sake of all that is good and decent in the world.
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