Why Yosser Hughes?

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Why Yosser Hughes?

May seem like an odd question, but... does anyone know why Yosser Hughes was called 'Yosser'? Does it mean anything on its own? Was it a nickname relating to his real first name? What *was* his real first name? (I do have a reason for asking, but it's too convoluted and boring to bother you good people with...) All theories gratefully received.

Searched using "Loggo Yosser" and spent an interesting few hours rediscovering the 80's - but couldn't find the origin of Yosser. However, what set me thinking more than anything else was this review... http://www.michaeldvd.com.au/Reviews/Reviews.asp?ReviewID=3468&S (at the bottom of Details At A Glance - under Miscellaneous). I wonder if that is a sign of the future... Contains swearing, mild sex and heavy smoking.
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