The Bibles Internets Edishun
Wed, 2006-03-01 22:25
The Bibles Internets Edishun
lol rofl wat is dis shit lmao?
Isn't that pic of Christ from Dogma?
Liked the line: '... and God was chillaxing in heven.'
Yeah that's the "Buddy Christ" from Dogma. As part of the "Catholicism Wow!" campaign they retired the crucifix - A highly recognisable but wholly depressing image - and introduced the 'buddy Christ"
Very funny!
Can someone help me with all this internet speak:
what is rofl? and lmao?
I don' get it.
I always though it was roar of laughter
in my something opinion I think... Imao
lmao = laugh my ass off
rofl = rolling on the floor laughing
Although both tend to be used rather more liberally than they should.
gmaboawbcs (grimace my ass back on again with bum clinching sincerity)