old pigeon lady by sparts

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old pigeon lady by sparts

again spart arcad i like this sorry if i sound very suck up'ish but i loved this.

i like the carpenter with his true name hidden it is beautiful i dont get enough of it but it reads as if it will not finish but then suddenly ends.

it is maybe too short though and maybe some things are too wordy if you know what i mean. but i will look out for you're next posting with joy.

questions: :)

did you one day see a bird lady or is it made up?

are you religious, cos it seems like you know alot about the bible?

a little personal but...how alike are you and you're character from 'warm tea comedowns' & 'when the dead deliver?


why do you say impossible ok maybe you could reply to the one! :) lol but is it jesus, is the carpenter on the wall jesus? '...The carpenter sat upon some crumbling bleach white wall, which had the texture of sun burnt snake skin; the sky was high and blue and only vague wisps of old watery dough like clouds to obscure the limitless heavens above...' i love that bit the mixture of natural things like animals and the man constructed wall its beautiful '...the texture of sun burnt snake skin..' lovely. i do not like this bit '...A transparent delicate negligee like fog, settled upon the murky lamp lights and third story windows...high majesty knights with austere faiths, rolling upon large steeds of downy flaxen loveliness, such are young virgin maids to throw their appetite upon men and feast luridly ever more, until the virgin antiquity has become blasphemous obstinacy....weary shag haired men leave their crooning, thigh rubbing purring women to settle alone upon the dark could be divan could be flirtatious desire. What satiate a man to brood in ill temper when his woman caresses her own inner thighs for his absence? ...' i think some of you're wonderfully beautiful description is ruined by what to me ...lol... seems like an obsession with sex! you write so poetically with so much heart and passion you i think do not need all the dirty sex bits. :) you could do so much more if you did not have them in the stories. do you feel a little worried about writing such a religious piece? i am a chrisitan! you insinuate jesus had an affair with some lady. that may be offensive to some, not me! but some other people does this worry you spart? do you think only christians should write about God because we believe and know him? are you religious it seems you are not from reading the three pieces 'when we dead deliver' 'the pigeon lady' & 'warm tea comedown' i am not being a nasty pasy but the sex bits are not nice! oh i also like led zeppelin & Creedance i think you're music taste is spot on...lol...! xxxx pel
why do i feel like Pel and Spart are the opposite sides of same coin? Or am i just barking? Juliet


I think this discussion is fascinating, and the way that spartarcad writes - beautiful. But I too have had a funny feeling (all along) that he and Pelbea might even be the same person (clearly in very different moods..). I s'pose that since for spartarcad we are all 'electronic phantoms' on here anyway, identity doesn't matter in these forums - just perspectives (and maybe they don't matter either. Then again maybe they do. Hmm). Or something postmodern like that. Been out in the very hot sun for too long today.
we are not sparts i am not stop bein so silly! pel :(
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