Favourite songs of the moment

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Favourite songs of the moment

We used to do these lists a lot, but a year or so has passed since the last one, so I guess people may have new stuff to recommend.

At the moment the albums I'm listening to are
The Feeling's Twelve Stomes and Home
Isobel Campbell and Mark Lanegan's Ballad of the Broken Seas
Christina Aguiliera's Back to Basics
Kate Rusby's Teh Girl Who couldn't Fly and
James Morrison's Undiscovered

All for different reasons. I must say that Ballad of the Broken Seas I bought last year sometime and didn't like it at first, and now I listen to it all the time, especially when writing. It is brilliant. And I love The Feeling because they do good harmonies and many of their songs sound like 3 songs put together, just like ELO (a good thing).

Christina is a choice for singing along to. I like her. Same with James Morrison. He is not in the league of Campbell and Lanegan, but his songs make me feel good when I listen to them. A bit like when I list to my Michael Jackson Off the Wall album.

Anyone listening to anything worth recommending?

Stops, Twelve Stops and Home. Silly me.
Having returned to my youth, I'm recommending EX:EL by 808 State Otherwise I'm recommending * Barry 7's Connectors Vols 1 + 2: Electronic library music from the 70s, a bit lounge a bit Moog, very evocative for moulded plastic seats and biscuit tins with flower patterns * Wendy Carlos' Clockwork Orange Score: Again early synth parpery, much better than the other version of the CO soundtrack * Heaven and Hell - The Very Best of The Mekons: Post Punkers from Leeds who discovered Hank Williams and birthed Alt Country. Life affirming Marxist rock n' roll. * Remain In Light - Talking Heads - Eno + 'Heads = result! * True Love Stories - Jilted John: You will have heard the single (Gordon is a moron. Gordon is a mooo ronnnnn), the album is cracking. Like Adrian Mole set to music, or John Hegley you can tap your foot to. Graham Fellows is a bit of a genius. * Oscilliations From The Anti - Sun - Stereolab: Woooooooo! Moogs, singing french women, Krautrock, wahey! * The Power Out - Electrelane: Woooooooo! No Moogs, singing french women, Krautrock, wahey! Go to the Sugar Alter - The Kelley Deal 6000: Kelley was/is in The Breeders. This is the album she made in rehab. It's just like The Breeders! I love music me. Cheers, Mark


James Brown 'Live At The Apollo' Bob Dylan 'The Times They Are A'Changing' Kate Bush 'Hounds Of Love' Sugababes 'Angels With Dirty Faces' and 'Taller Than Before' (They're the new ABBA you know.)


Lucky- Radiohead All you Brits have the best music...we have precious little of value in the States
I liked the Futureheads version of Hounds of Love. As well as the original.
I like that "You give me something" song by James Morrison, though it is a pretty blatant rip off of "The greatest love of all".
Aye Caramba by Ska Cubano Hearts and Minds by Nancy Griffin but best of all... Lunatico by The Gotan Project If you haven't discovered the Gotan Project then you haven't discovered passion and love and romance.
Anonymous's picture
Love Gotan Project – discovered them when in Italy. Agree with snowvent that a lot of good music comes out of the UK, but disagree that that states have precious little to offer. It depends on the kinds of music you like - music, like writing, is a matter of taste. I've no idea what's current - the prime place to listen to the radio is in the car, and I don't drive.
Agree with the Gotan flag - I've had stuff by them for years. Do get with it quicker Tony dear. Also like james morrison, and dont care if hes untrendy... he sounds like a mixture of stevie wonder and terence trent darby. (and if that doesnt put people off i dont know what will) Also like Ray Lamontagne. He's an arsey bugger too, which makes him fun.
Favourite albums of the moment Classical: Gabriel Faure's 'Requiem' Religious: 'Pilgrim Heart' by Krishna Das General: 'Ba Ba Tikiti Bo' by Sigur Ros "Stupid Dream" by Porcupine Tree "By the Way" by the Chili Peppers Best of Massive Attack jude "Cacoethes scribendi" http://www.judesworld.net(link is external)


i don't listen to songs but i have taken a poll here in the fish living room bex - the fratellis - chelsea dagger (cos it's awesome) dan - the holloways - generator kit - panic at the disco - lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off i don't have any idea what these songs are of course ... i am not sure songs are a very good INFLUENCE looking at those titles ...
The Acoustic Album - various. Ozric Tentacles - i have every album on mp3 set to shuffle There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennet

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

Bloody hell! Can I really be so out of touch with what's going on musically here? I counted just six artists in the lists above that I've heard of, the rest are completely alien to me. Modern Times - Dylan Anything by Guy Clark


The Pipettes, and Thea Gilmore's latest album, Harpo's Ghost. And I've just listened to and enjoyed some Two Gallants. ~ I'll Show You Tyrants(link is external) * Fuselit(link is external) * The Prowl Log(link is external) * Woe's Woe(link is external)
OMG! Four more I've never heard of!


Snow Patrol and Ray Lamontagne are in the car at the moment along with the usual couple of Guns n Roses.
I love the Pipettes! Apparently The Adrews Sisters are still the biggest selling girl group of all time.


Regina Spektor. Here is a link. I think I love her. http://www.reginaspektor.com/index2.html(link is external) Watch some of her videos if you like. I like the vidoe for 'Us' However, her new stuff is a bit.. mer. And The Mountain Goats and Tuung and Four tet and I could go on but you will be bored. Span
I've just remembered that you can, in fact, see EXACTLY what I've been listening to recently by going here: http://www.last.fm/user/billyfisher1977/(link is external) You can see what I'm listening to at the moment, what I've most listened to in any given week, and what I've listened to most overall. You can even listen to some of it online for nowt. Wowsa. Cheers, Mark


Remember Pandora radio? You can save the songs it plays you. 1. First, go to Pandora and type in your favorite artist or song. 2. When the music starts to play pause the music.(Pandora MUST be open or else the folder is cleared) 3. Pandora caches the music in a folder on your HD. All you have to do is find it (easy). 4. It should be in "C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Temp\plugtmp" If you can't find the folder do a search for it. 6. The music is stored in the "about" files. I have noticed that Pandora caches the song after the one currently playing. So if you are looking for a specific song then you might want to look at the next to last one. 7. Copy the "about" file that you want to use to another folder. 8. To be able to play it add the ending ".mp3" to the end of it. Make sure that under Tools, Folder Options, View that the box next to "Hide extensions for known file types" is unchecked. 9. The icon of the file should change to look like a music file. 10. Play the MP3 in your music player of choice to verify it is the song that you wanted. Correct the ID3 information and you are good to go. 11. If you go back to Pandora and click on the Album cover you can click "Buy this album from Amazon" to get all of the info about the song including the album artwork.
that seems a bit long winded actually - heres how i do it. Hit start, run, type in %temp% then find the plugtmp folder. These should be numbered - pick the highest number and open it, there will be the access files, all with huge great numbers.Change it to 1.mp3, it will show as a music file then. Bingo, free mp3's.
I should have put in some links. www.myspace.com/twogallants(link is external) - go here and listen to 'Steady Rollin' www.myspace.com/theagilmore(link is external) - go here and listen to 'Cheap Trick' www.myspace.com/thepipettes(link is external) - go here and watch the video for 'Pull Shapes' ~ I'll Show You Tyrants(link is external) * Fuselit(link is external) * The Prowl Log(link is external) * Woe's Woe(link is external)
Heh heh heh. The song I'm listening to, over and over again right now is 'Cracklin' Rosie' by Neil Diamond, off his 'Best of' album. I occasionally listen to the other songs on the album, most of which I've loved since childhood, but this one is the tops.
Blimey. Erm... Crush You - The Trashcan Icons If I Die First (Sharon Stiles cover- though I like Billy Linn's original, too) Bleed No More - Wrench National Wealth - Trotski Breathe Me - Sia Sleep All Day (Spunky Hunx remix) Gangarine Dream - Orange Bicycle Tube Life (the entire album) - Poodle There's more, but I don't really listen to a great deal of music. I find it disruptive. And there's just so much of it.
It turns out I like Post Rock. I never knew there was such a genre until the other week, but a whole bunch of bands I like are Post Rock. This made me happy for some reason.


and one I forgot - American V - the last Johnny Cash recordings. Sensational. also Etrin Finatawa - a weird mixture of Toureg and Wodaabe music from Niger.
Anonymous's picture
AG – is Sweet Caroline on there? That’s my all-time favorite Neil Diamond song, and I’m not even a Red Sox fan. I like Cracklin Rosie, too – she makes me smile.
I just picked up Bob Dylan, Modern Times. Not bad at all. Visit me http://www.radiodenver.org/(link is external)

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Yah, Foster, Sweet Caroline is on there, along with Song Sung Blue, Shilo, Cherry Cherry...It's BRILL. My mum used to have 'Hot August Night' on 8-track; I may have to get it on CD to add to my collection. I'm too afraid to buy 'new' music; I feel I am hopelessly behind the times, and, like Missi, have no idea who half the abovementioned artists ARE...
I love Led Zeppelin, too. Their digital remastered box set is one of my faves to listen to. The CDs, not the box itself.
I'd take the Grateful Dead over Led Zep any day as far as the quality of musicians playing. Zep emulated other styles, turning up the volume in the process. Nobody can emulate the Dead. Visit me http://www.radiodenver.org/(link is external)

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Hate to agree with farterlad, but Creedence WERE a brilliant band imo, and their version of 'Grapevine' knocks the bollocks off Marvin Gaye's version. 'Long As I Can See The Light', is another great track. It's sad that two of them are now dead.


Creedence is a staple. My favorite was "Ramble Tamble" I saw Fogerty in concert last summer, he did about half the Creedence catalog. I left the show with a cool tie-dyed tee-shirt and a serious buzz. Visit me http://www.radiodenver.org/(link is external)

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I love Neil Diamond's latest album, 12 Songs. I like the Gotan Project too, as I used to use them to practice for my tango lessons. Not them, exactly, but their music. Sigur Ros are great. I like them, though I think people rave too much about them, and only get them out to listen to at dinnerparties. I'm always partial to the Swedish singer Lisa Ekdahl, PJ Harvey and Nick Cave's Lyre of Orpheus is so good. Prob with Nick Cave is that there are not enough hours in the day to listen to him as much as I would like. I know I still listen to the Amelie soundtrack more than necessary.
The Amelie soundtrack is great. I have a couple of other albums by Yann Tierson, they're also very good. Recently I have been listening to: Nine Black Alps Wolfmother (like The Darkness would have been if The Darkness were any good) Sujfjan Stevens Scott Walker iLIKETRAINS (like Sigur Ross but less cheery) Which is odd because mostly I only like bands called The Somethings


I dont like all the amelie soundtrack, so i mixed my yann tiersen cd myself - has some of his goodbye lenin soundtrack on too. I also like creedence clearwater revival, this is a surprise for me... although i like their heard it through the grapevine very much, i dont like the way he sings heard as 'hoyed'.
Agree with Dan that Wolfmother are rather good. Album of the year for me so far is the Red Hot Chilli Peppers' "Stadium Arcadium" -much higher proportion of good songs to poor ones considering it's a double album. I tend to have a rather large back catalogue to explore of people like Nightwish whom I've only discovered recently despite having several albums. "Sleeping Sun" is yummy but they should really stick to their female singer doing the vocals (yes I know they kicked her out) Honourable mention for Arcade Fire who I think are exceptionally original. I think I prefer music from the icy crescent from Canada to Finland.
Looking at the above has reminded me of a few I should've put on 'Desert Island Discs.' Specifically Chilli Peppers when they were good... Give it Away Suck My Kiss ... ! ~PEPS~ “There is no spoon.”

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Zep are "da bomb" (as my teenage alter-ego would say). Morrisson (Jim) was also something of an accomplished songsmith. ~PEPS~ “There is no spoon.”

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

I've noticed that my taste in music often overlaps with Neil's. Check out Nine Black Alps Neil, I think you'll like them (and they're from Manchester).


Christ, this is getting embarrassing, yet again I find myself in agreement with Farterlad. There's very few rock guitarists that can stand toe to toe with Jimmy Page, and no one in the Dead are among them. Clapton? yeah. Jeff Beck? maybe. Gary Moore? I think so. Buddy Guy? easily. There are obviously others but I can't be arsed to list them.


ed wynne. He's non-commercial, but he could piss all over claptout and Gary Bore. Rock? Rock guitarist? Eric Clapton? There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennet

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

ed wynne. He's non-commercial, but he could piss all over claptout and Gary Bore. Rock? Rock guitarist? Eric Clapton? Ed Wynne is one of the world's greatest unknown guitarists. There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennet

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

I can't bring myself to get into a debate of "who is the greatest guitarist" or such, but I've been to two Zep Concerts and most recently Robert Plant last summer. I saw the Dead twice also. I can say, from what I've actually heard...the Zep concerts were not exactly masterful, but quite loud and there seemed to be a very large percentage of teenage and mid-twenty year old boys in the audience who seemed to be very loud as well. The sound mix was typically muffled, the bands playing sloppy and the volume level beyond the ability of the inner ear to survive undamaged. In contrast, the Dead concerts were "events" all to their own. The sound was quite fantastic and the stylings of the musicians were totally different each time. In short, they didn't repeat themselves musically. Each concert was a sonic event. I also noticed a higher abundance of groovy chicks at the Dead concerts, far exceeded anything I ever saw at a Zep/Plant concert. The complexity of the music far exceeded anything Zeppelin ever attempted, a mix of folk, bluegrass, rock and what-ever else came to their fingers at that particular moment. The Dead never gave a shit about radio play or record sales. Their entire focus was on touring and their stage sound and for that, they can't be equaled. When you left a dead concert, you left a happy person. Most every other rock band from the era sold more records and posters. Visit me http://www.radiodenver.org/(link is external)

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RD you just went to the Dead shows to see all the braless hippie chicks wiggling around. Musical complexity, my ass. Led Zeppelin never was much of a ladies' band. Except for the groupies, that is. Zepp were a bit like Hemmingway, very masculine in flavour (did they have closet homosexual tendencies, too, I wonder...? Nah...)
Anonymous's picture
For me, music is most enjoyed live, and second most enjoyed as live recordings. I rarely download studio tracks, as anyone can perfect anything in a studio. I’ve never seen the Dead or Zep live, but from RD’s description, I would’ve more enjoyed a Dead concert. I understand for many, loud = good, and the concert is an event all on its own, separate from the music, but I never saw it that way.
Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
It felt a little like reading someone's diary, looking at Mark's playlist. Wierd. Pleased to see a lot of Frank Black and Pixies stuff. If the world swallowed me up and I was being slowly digested in its bowels, and only had one artist's work to see my last hours out with, I would gladly listen to anything by FB, FB& the Cathoics or Pixies, as the earth's bile slowly disolved my skin. According to iTunes, I've been listening to these songs a lot of late: Pure Denizen of the Citizens Band - Frank Black Something 4 the Weekend - Super Furry Animals La Vie en Rose - Madeleine Peyroux I Got a Woman - Them Con Mis Manos - Bebe China in your hands - T'Pau I only confess to the last one, because another ABCtales member caught me listening to it. Damn MSN and its connection to iTunes! Ben
Hey, I'll take a marijuana/music induced wiggle fest haze and dangling breasts in my face anytime over pimple faced drunken loudmouths shouting "Stairway to Heaven" every twenty seconds. Visit me http://www.radiodenver.org/(link is external)

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Ha ha ha! Yes, good point, RD. I think I would too. I don't like concerts anymore; I have enough hearing problems as it is. I was fortunate enough to go to the first Lolapalooza outside Seattle, before it got all burned out; first Lolapalooza, last concert for Archergirl. About halfway through the concert I somehow wound up right in the front in the mosh pit and nearly passed out from the crush of people (during Ice T and Bodycount, I think). The speakers were as big as buildings and VERY loud- I was right next to them. I had to be lifted up above everyone's heads and moved past the security fence. I spent the last part of the concert (I missed all the bands I really wanted to see) curled up in the backseat of the car, soaking wet (it had rained all day, steadily) with ringing ears. I caught walking pneumonia and couldn't go to work the next day. I think I must have been quite stoned as well; can't remember. So, no more concerts. I don't even like 'live' albums. I prefer smooth studio production. Enzo, nothing wrong with listening to T'Pau. I still listen to Journey, and get ribbed horribly for it. But I like them.
Oh, no, I lied. The last concert I went to see was Josh Grobin, with my mum. It was a nice concert and easy on damaged eardrums - the boy can sing!


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