Blimey, it's quiet round here...

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Blimey, it's quiet round here...

Hello folks.

It's been a bit quiet around here this week, so I was thinking...

Let's make a noise!

But not just any noise, let's make a special noise. In fact, let's make the best noise in the world.

If you had to add the best noise in the world to this otherwise silent forum, what would it be?

I'm bringing the noise of the kettle clicking off on an overcast autumn afternoon, boiling water for a lovely cup of tea.

What joyful noise are you bringing?



It's because the 'soid isn't here to inspire debate :) A welcome noise at the moment would be the sound of silence because my daughter's driving me crazy with her incessant demands. There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

The ping of the microwave, announcing the arrival of a chiken tikka massala with pilau rice.
the sound a tin of beer makes when you open it the flap of sailcloth the 'fzzzzt' sound a bicylce tire makes when you spin it very fast and drop it on the ground keep your grubby mits off my website


Sorry to drag the tone down, but a fart. Though it's childish, and we shouldn't laugh, there's nothing to brighten up a quiet and sober environment than someone let rip. Once again my apologies. nobody
Me screaming like this: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHGHHHH!!!!!! OK maybe not, but at least I just spelled it out.


Hox, you're having way too many ready meals. I worry about you mate.
The sound of a match striking (and the smell too, why the hell not) The sound of my best friend doing an Australian accent, imitating Neighbours (you guys won't know what that sounds like, but it's beautiful, trust me!) The Diagnosis Murder theme tune
taiko drumming exciting ,surging like take off in a big plane.A ships horn on a foggy night.A hoot of laughter.a cello and a harp,the music of "The Brendan Voyage" I love the smell of a match striking and I actually like the smell of aviation fuel er oops!


The sound of my driver as it hits the perfect drive (not a frequent event). This has replaced, in chronological order, the sound of the oar in the water, the sound of the football against my boot, the sound of the ball on my tennis racquet. But then there is always the sound of the snow as I smash through it on my skis.
The sound of my driver as he turns up to collect me from another champagne sodden night in some seedy bordello.


my friend imitating a bike horn. Pretty good too.

Give me the beat boys and free my soul! I wanna getta lost in ya rock n' roll and drift away. Drift away...

The crackle of a log fire would be good right now. I'd settle for the crackle of a silk cut though - three days and counting... ~
Ohh, well done Lou, I gave up on May 10th, best thing I have done for years. Next step is weightwatchers!!
oh and...I bet your kids think the best smell at the moment is you, smelling like a mum and not like an ashtray. xx
Ta, Aly. Spending half term in smoke free Scotland, so that should help. You know what I really need though, don't you? Twiglets. Can't find any bloody twiglets anywhere. A wise person did suggest I smear marmite on a stick - but it's just not the same. ~
Sizzling bacon. The tapping on a keyboard as amplified in that odd tinny way through the bit you talk to bank tellers through. The k'tsshhhhh of the opening of a fresh new can of Coke. Tearing the cellophane off a shiny new PS2 game. A female orgasm (although not in every case). The sea. My girlfriend's new Apple iMac (it's just so beautifully quiet!). The theme tune to the first in a new series of "Monk" (starting at 2.55pm today... hooray!). My girlfriend laughing. Stapling. Some of the new stuff by Fergie (that girl's got it going on, sista!). A chicken. ~PEPS~ You can’t finish a man till he’s finished his Texan Bar

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

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