A bit of both probably.
But I reckon we only have finite fossil fuel resources, so it would be a good discipline to act as if it was all down to fossil fuels and make a few savings where we can. There's lots of scope. I've started by not watching Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here.
Was talking to a committed ecologist a few weeks ago who believes passionately in green issues who told me it is mostly down to the earth's natural cycles. So maybe George W was right all along.
First time for everything I suppose.
I was thinking just the other day about how we are all being encouraged to recycle and all that, but about how this is possible quite useless if the recycling "centres" are generally not very "central" at all - i.e. they tend to exist on the outskirts of town (at least they do in my hometown of Worcester). I wonder… how many Coke cans do you have to recycle to compensate for the amount of fuel it takes to get to the recycling bin…?
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For a minute there my cursor hovered tantalisingly over the "Post new forum topic" link...!
But then I quickly clicked "Back" and thought: no, I'll let someone else have that pleasure... :-)
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(www.pepsoid.wordpress.com(link is external) - latest... Review of "Casino Royale")
"I wonder… how many Coke cans do you have to recycle to compensate for the amount of fuel it takes to get to the recycling bin…?"
Sadly the vast majority of alluminium cans go into land fill. This is because the place all the metals taken to don't want them. The reason being when they light the furnace the lightness of the cans shoots them skywards, much like those alaminium blinds, which they also don't take. Occassionally they compress them into cube shapes, but there's less and less people even wanting them these days.
Another cash making incentive for kids taken away.
So if I were to recycle my Coke cans, not only would I be pumping fuel into the environment to get to the recycling bin, but most of them would end up in a land fill anyway... so it's probably better for the environment that I don't... Useful to know, nobody! ;-)
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I dare say, I think it's a bit of both.
Where's Missi? He starts a topic, and then buggers off. Come on, let's have some words from the man himself!
I'm here, Lisa. I thought I'd watch for a bit.
I read in the paper a couple of days ago that 22% of greenhouse gas is produced by farm animals farting all over the place. The article didn't say what percentage is down to cars but I wouldn't be surprised if a flatulent cow does more harm than a modern car. Perhaps we should be culling cows rather than dreaming up new ways of getting people out of their cars, most of which coincidentally, appear to be filling the taxman's coffers.
Eat more meat and help save the planet.
Tim, as it's claimed that every family has an average of 2.4 kids, it follows that every abortion will in 2 generations save the planet from having to feed around 4 (fatties), or maybe 5 (slimmers).
Multiplied around the globe the saving would be enormous. Yeah I guess abortion does have something going for it.
I read the same study George (about livestock causing a quarter of the greenhouse gas.)
I don 't recall seeing anything about how much rotting vegitation causes to greenhouse effect, but I'd wager it is a significant amount.
Funny little side-note to this...Colorado has a reputation as having clear blue skys and great air quality, but the truth is the city of Denver has an air polution problem, and fairly severe at times. The "Brown Cloud" lingers over the city, .which sits in the Platte River valley at the base of the Rocky Mountains. It isn't always present, and is more or less controlled by atmospheric conditions...some days it is very clear, other days one can see the polution just hovering over the city for miles. We're told the cause of the "brown cloud" is the high volume of vehicle emissions So, the politicians in all their wisdom have enacted very tough vehical emission laws and inspection requirements. We use a special blend of gasoline, all designed to reduce the "brown cloud." Over the years I've lived here, the air quality doesn't seem to be improving or getting worse though.
I've seen photographs of Denver from the late 1800's, and these pictures clearly depict the same "brown cloud" as having existed in severe form prior to the invention of the automobile. It's the geography of the city. Any debris in the air will hover in the valley and any change in the weather patterns, any shift in wind direction will either funnel it in or carry it away, and it has always been like that. Still, we've generated an entire cottage industry around vehicle emissions on the grounds that vehicles have caused this mess. I"m not saying that sniffing exhaust fumes is the best thing you can do, but there is no doubt in my mind that politicians jump on an issue and the public will believe anything they are told if it looks like it is true. Doesn't matter what the truth is...if you want to believe something hard enough, it is true.
Global Warming is happening...I don't believe the humans are a major contributing factor. I believe politicians exploit our fears. I think people are just as dumb as livestock and nothing we do will change what is going to happen to the planet in the long run.
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But global warming isn't the only environmental issue and if it turns out it is largely down to flatulent cows, it doesn't let mankind off the hook.
What about all those other issues that demand we rein in our activities on this planet? Namely:
1. the loss of rare species of animals, fruit, plants and insects
2. our over dependence on finite fossil fuels provided by countries with unstable political regimes
3. the health issues caused by chemical pollutants in the air
4. the lack of clean water for people in third world countries
5. men growing breasts due to rising levels of female hormones in drinking water
6. children reaching puberty too early because they eat genetically altered chickens
7. the rising incidence of asthma and autism
8. the diabetes epidemic that is raging through the wealthy nations of the world
9. the rapid urbanisation and deforestation of the planet leading to rising levels of depression and suicide
10. the possible increase in brain tumours caused by the growing use of mobile phones and wireless technology
11. the growing threat from superbugs caused by the overuse of antibiotics
12. the increase in cancer due to the irresponsible handling of radioactive material for weapons and nuclear reactors
13. the massive outpouring of dangerous mood-altering pollutants into our seas and rivers leading to law-abiding people committing violent crimes
14. the tide of mindless TV programmes leading to a zombified population ready to accept crazy policy decisions foisted on them by power-mad politicians
15. intensive factory farming techniques which are not only cruel but which put depressed animals and their produce into the food chain leading to unbelievable health consequences for the human race
16. the power of giant pharmaceutical corporations who foist dangerous and expensive drugs on an unsuspecting public, while potentially simple and safe cures are overlooked
17. the readiness of power-mad politicians to go to war and put other people's lives at risk, while they ensure they never put themselves or their families in harm's way
18. major arms manufacturers who rely on wars in third world countries to test new weapons technologies in regions where their shareholders are unlikely to live
19. the power of large media conglomerates which have politicians around the world at their beck and call and in effect control our daily thoughts and the political agenda
20. the dramatic fall in male fertility leading to a generation of zero-sperm males who will be unable to reproduce, and who will have to rely on their fathers and grandfathers to do all the fertilising work for them, or draw on fast-dwindling ancestral sperm banks.
21. the intensive overfishing and relentless pollution of the oceans which is actually destroying the very medium in which life was first spawned.
And this is only a tiny fraction of the threats we face as a civilisation.
Let's not forget the risks posed to our planet by an off-course asteroid, or by terrorists with biological weapons or drug-crazed fanatics seizing control of a nuclear submarine with Trident on board and starting World War III, or by bird flu mutating out of control to the point where it wipes out the entire population or by a catastrophic seismic event 10,000 times more powerful than the Boxing Day Tsunami knocking the earth out of its orbit and sending up clouds of dust into the atmosphere to block out all sunlight and turn our beloved planet into a giant mausoleum housing six billion frozen corpses, each of which has died an unimaginably horrid icy death.
Yet despite all of this I still feel hopeful that if we just keep plugging away we can find a way through to a better future. But we need to act quickly.
I'm happier than I was - I thought my developing bosom was due to my alcohol intake, but no! Goddam tap-water! From now on, nothing but wine will pass my lips.
Yeah sorry Peps, the coke can shit's true, though you could smelt them into one solid lump of ali and weigh it in at a profit to yourself.
Regarding the initial question, a bit of both.
That may sound like sitting on the fence but it aint.
The planet, as far as I can make out, revolves in cycles, warming up and freezing up. As far as I know we're actually past the regular date for destruction, but then maybe the time in between increases, fuck knows I'm not a scientist.
On the other hand some of the polution pumped out by mankind is also obviously having an effect.
What we do is a different matter.
Are we willing to go back to a time when nothing we do harms the environment?
Cut down on emmisions? That's kind of like saying 'I'll cut back and give the planet another couple of years. When used for taking the moral high ground it's kind of patronising.
The methane shit, (no pun intended), is also relevant and might explain an excelleration during the dinosaur age. I know, my wife's vegetarian, when she farts it's the equivelant of someone shitting on your face. Trust me, it's caused rows in the bedroom, not that she shits on my face there.
Thanks for making me feel so happy about being 62, Bruce.
Men have always developed tits as they age, and women have always developed facial hair with age too. If we all lived long enough there'd be no difference between the sexes. Dicks shrink with age and doughnuts end up like horse collars, or so I'm told. I'm kinda looking forward to that 'grandfathers doing the fertilising' bit though.
Sorry about that Mississippi but you did start the thread.
As it happens I'm one of nature's optimists, so be thankful you only got the upbeat version of our future.
That grandfather stuff, if it ever happens, will probably be done in vitro, so I can't even offer you any comfort there.
What if we all send out happiness vibes? Do you think that will help?
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Come on now, Missi! Join in on the Happiness Vibes!
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I've just invented an adaptor which connects a cows arse directly to an intake valve which can be fitted to any car engine. I expect to be rich by Christmas, and have a Nobel prize by 2008.
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