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What with celebrities saying bad things being such a popular topic these days, a fuss has kicked off in the US over Isiah Washington saying the word 'faggot' on telly, apparently the word is "unacceptable in any context or circumstance"

What was the context that Isiah used the bad word? we have the exact quote:

"No, I did not call T.R. a faggot,"

(memories of monty python saying Johova leap to mind)

Is there any way you can justify banning a word in *any* context or circumstance?

(Personally I love faggots, especially with peas and gravy)

Americans - you just can't believe them,can you? They'll bomb the peas and gravy off anything but you can't say a darn thing on their TV. It just doesn't add up to me.
Unacceptable in ANY context or circumstance? Jeez! Philip Roth highlighted this madness fictionally in 'The Human Stain', in which a Classics professor asks about two persistently absent students: "Do they exist, or are they spooks?" The students in question were black, lodged charges of racism ('spook' being a derogatory euphemism for 'black person'), and the professor was forced to resign. Not so far from fiction, actually. Certain US colleges had, and may still have for all I know, speech codes - with words like 'chink' and 'nip' deemed unacceptable. It's the sort of extreme reaction that got PC its bad name. First time I went to America, the courier on our trip warned any smokers to remember not to ask for 'fags' - in case they got more than they bargained for!
I can use any darned word I like! I'm a christian! Daddy, take the banana! Tomorrow it's Sunday! - Faust

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

I once read a book called 'Faggot'. Forget who it was by. Had a great fisting scene, however.
Being a hand-wringing self-loathing guilty white liberal I tend to get a little anxious round these sorts of conversations, which can veer from very reasonable, conscientious debate into Richard Littlejohn-esque 'political correctness gone mad' rants at a moment's notice. I've had policeman friends who relate with wide-eyed glee urban legends about patriotic, salt-of-the-earth white constables who make seemingly innocent remarks only to get lynched by the rabid political correctness mob: 'So he asks the black lady in the canteen for egg and chips, and she's like, "What, egg? As in egg and spoon? As in cockney rhyming slang for coon? Stop pelting me with racial abuse!" and the guy lost his job.' But none of you wonderful people would be that silly.
I've not read a single fisting scene that I'd recommend. pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (www.pepsoid.wordpress.com)

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Er, yeah. Isn't this exactly the same issue as on the other thread except with a different word?
I think it is, Jack... hence my attempt to extend AG's fisting theme into a "fisting thread"... (not sure it will catch on)... pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (www.pepsoid.wordpress.com)

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

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