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The layout is dreadful - we're working on it - but do you like the idea? Each time you refresh you get a different list.

Like it! :-) Although just to be terribly fussy, how about putting the authors as well? pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Top ten most read can be a bad idea as people can use programs to autorefresh their pieces, thousands of times...I am sure those on the current list have not done this but I've seen it done on other sites and the most appalling trash is listed as 'most read' - it is something to bear in mind. Top ten love poems. After Valentine's day is it really beneficial to big-up this genre? Like it though, I think. jude "Cacoethes scribendi"


I like.
hmmm, well a lot of dross on most read at mo, apart from dan's lovely iceland piece... I think if not careful this feature could become a big turn off if it is full of bleeps and bloops and squiggles and nonsense and things that have been read, apparently 1919 times and are only one sentence long. It makes it look like it's all done by robot. Oh, you know what I mean. And you're right, the format is not very nice but you said you were working on it.
Format is now fixed - and it looks a lot better where it is. I like the 'most read' feature but if it gets silly then we will just turn it off! I want to include all of the genres in the top tens lists so that a lot of writing appears in the lists. You do get a lot of different ones already and we'll keep adding to them. Any other ideas for lists on there?
I like the top ten most read because I'm in it, and if it's linked to from the front page it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy and I should stay in it forever. (hmmm, I'm a good 5,000 reads from the top spot, I forsee an afternoon of pressing refresh)


Just you try it, Henry Higgins.
Maddan has a point, though. Being on the front page will mean more reads = stay on the front page forever = only way anyone else can break the eternal cycle is by cheating. Why not have simply a "last ten submitted"? That will mean everyone gets a go on the front page. Yes, drivel will be on there, but so will it be with the current system.
Looks like it has changed to last ten cherry picked...much better idea.
It changes every time you go back to it - it's a wheel of fortune!
i think top ten cherrypicked is a great idea, not sure about 10 most read, unless it has a timer built in and does it for a month, say, then they get booted off, and the next freshest top ten. Juliet


TC: "It changes every time you go back to it - it's a wheel of fortune!" Except, erm... it's not a wheel... :-/ pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

I agree, how can the rest of us compete with 7000+ reads? :) I think an even quicker time of maybe a week would be good, then the next top ten get shown. Can you bar a story/poem from it, once it has had its moment in the spotlight? Lisa
That is, I agree with Juliet - although, it's not really a wheel, but I know what you mean, Tony! Lisa
Anonymous's picture
How about most read today - then at the end of the day all bets are off and all content starts off again on a level playing field. The self comments about the self fulfilling/self perpetuating top content lists is very true, you can see the same thing happening with the booktribes top searchs ... one day we will get around to changing that :)
Sounds like a good idea with the most read - I'll look out for it. Lisa
What... does "ten latest stories" mean, when they come from 2005? Late for what? 2004?
And the tenth of the "last ten love poems" was submitted in 2004. Teething trouble, methinks.
Surely it would be better to have a random selection along the lines of the premium bond method. ie. chosen by a simple computer programme. That way no one can cheat, no one will feel left out, no one can say it's just the elite that get listed. Everyone and everything is in with a chance.


surely random cherried is a better way of puclicising the site's talent on the front page. A most read may only have an alluring title - the rest being crap. There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

I agree. 10 random pieces (fairest), or 10 random cherried (element of quality control) -- maybe alternate between them on refreshes?
Yeah, I think Playfair's onto the answer, but not sure about the 10 randoms being utterly random, from the whole site's back catalogue. Random from the last week seems better, so that newcomers with only a couple of pieces have as much chance of making the front page as people like me with around 450 pieces (many old and rubbish) under their belts.
Other possible random lists 10 pieces which include the word "fornicate' 10 submitted on an idle Tuesday 10 submitted by authors from Clapton 10 pieces focussing on goats, moths and gulls Agree with Jack that random from the last few weeks would be better. I also have lots of old and rubbish stuff. It's like my filing cabinet at home, I keep saying I'm going to clear it out one of these days but 'one of these days' never actually arrives. jude "Cacoethes scribendi"


All comments most welcome on this one. Thankyou for your input - it is being digested....
Hey I'll get you onto the front page under most read in one day for a couple of pints... ;-)
10 pieces focussing on iced lollies and ladybirds - submitted during May. There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

I just noticed today that one of my stories showed up on the most read list with 2000 or so reads. I was amazed. It's a good story and was cherry picked, but I had no idea there were that many reads. I never look at the stats. Still, finding a way to vary that list would be good because it does tend to be a self-fulfilling prophesy. I recall years ago on the old site some really awful poem had some insanely high number of reads (like 100,000). "You don't need the light of the Lord to read the handwriting on the wall." Copies of Warsaw Tales available through
Justyn - a lot of pieces have around 2,000 reads - you are a very popular chap on here! I know you don't click them up and I certainly don't so the clicks do not lie. We do get huge numbers of people who come in each day just to read stories and poems. They aren't registered - but they do keep coming back. See the 2006 figures from google analytics.
Interesting. I guess over time it adds up! "You don't need the light of the Lord to read the handwriting on the wall." Copies of Warsaw Tales available through
access issue: when I type in the site's addy in my IE addy bar, I'm always taken to first. If I type in the site's addy again I'm taken to the site. weird. And it aint a typo because I've checked it over a few times. There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

I'm just new here, but is it possible to fix it so that if a person clicks on his own work it doesn't register as a read? I had a great number of hits (reads) on my stories the very first day. I was amazed - then I discovered that everytime I went back to my stories to check for errors, I registered another hit. I don't think anybody has even read my work yet. I even clicked on the stars to see how they worked on one of my pieces and now it has a 5 star rating. I really don't want to get one that way. I don't think we should be able to affect our own work that way.
Paul - thanks for that. It's a small glitch that we are working on - I expect it to be corrected in the next couple of weeks. And welcome!
Ah - very good. And thank you - I have enjoyed the site and the people very much, though I think many of them may have had their fill of me already. ;p It's such a shame too because I am so meek and shy.
I don't think so, Paul - as long as you're not abusive people are perfectly happy (more than happy!) to vigourously discuss your world viewpoint and issues, but don't expect wholesale agreement.
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