Fri, 2007-03-30 11:44
April is National Poetry Writing Month. You probably won't find a reference to it anywhere else, but I did it last year, and it was fun. A poem a day for 30 days.
Anyone going to attempt it this year?
I'm already doing something similar for Lent...40 poems in fact. This isn't quite a poem a day because there are more than 40 days in Lent. It isn't as easy as I thought it would be.
Don't think I've the stamina to do another month!
And darn good they are too, Jude!
i'd like to give this a go ...
I can't see any good reason not to have a try.
i've had a look and the site i found made me feel tired ... i might just put mine on abc instead ...
I'd like to try - though it's already april 2nd! Agh!
I started 8 days late last year. Never mind - that's just two a day for the first half instead!
Bring it on. I will write one before midday today.