Wed, 2007-08-29 19:01
I am sorry if i have missed discussion about the stars on our writing, i really just want to know if i can switch them off. I find them a bit silly. I can understand that it makes the site 'interactive' for readers, but they are meaningless to me - what do they mean, actually? I dont want to press stars on other peoples writing, and on some days i don't feel generous enough to not give a toss if some anonymous passing bod wants to press stars on mine. I like that the comments thing is coming in the autumn - i always enjoy comments and crit - but stars? Don't like them there...ldx
OK - comment accepted. We will also put on a 'do or don't you want stars' button up in the Autumn. We should have a full time techie on booktribes/ABC from around the middle of October and all these alterations will be made when she/he come on board.
Super! Thanks - that's great :o)