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Anyone ever tried any others? I'v just been called a whore on a Guardian forum.It was the worst abuse the idiot could think of.There are very few women on them at all,they are quite aggressive.There is an awful lot of tosh when one is hoping for a reasoned debate.

Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
I read Comment is Free quite a lot but never post. I find it quite unpleasasnt on the whole, and, like you say, quite aggressive. I just don't think the blog/comment format achieves very much. Enzo..
Often forums are the biggest waste of time ever invented; cyber pencil sharpening! I have spent some time on a well-known anarchist site and a surer way to convince oneself that our cause is lost I am yet to find. I gave that one up, but still visit the QPR message boards to indulge one of my other passions. In fact the QPR message board is generally very friendly. I think forums which are about practical matters and on which people share specific knowledge or experience can be very useful. I occasionally use forums about car mechanics and also about sustainable land-use (permaculture) & have found both to be well worthwhile. Arguing about politics or philosophy really must be seen as just for fun - at best to sharpen one's wits.
Like Enzo I read Comment is Free but never post, for exactly the same reasons. The really dire ones are the local press comment forums - at least my local paper's is beyond belief. It basically comes down to 1) bash the council 2) bash the foreigners 3)bash the gays 4) if you can't shoot 'em, hang 'em, flog 'em and birch 'em 5) bash the council again, just for good measure. There are times when I think freedom of speech is an overrated, not really, obviously. Just now and then.
I think once the forums get as big as something like Comment is Free then the debates usually get a bit too narky for me (and I'm happy to participate in reasonably aggressive debates). I find the comments on The Sun's one entertaining but the crossover between them and the spoof comments in The Viz is quite worrying.


Boy are they narky! I'v been called a racist condescending whore (but not in that order)for disagreeing with Muslim men.Kind of neat though!It sharpens the thought processes .There is now a frightened Iranian woman telling us how it is in Iran saying " I don't mean to teach you" to a bully. I'm going to go back and say" Teach all you want honey here at least lies free speech" Oh dear she may be at risk perhaps I had better beg her to stay safe.One cant have opinions in Iran.


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