RE: Like father like daughter, like mother like son

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RE: Like father like daughter, like mother like son

I love this piece!

Take a look at my page when you have a chance ...

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I don't get it. Why is it that you've added these links, AEM? I got the same message at the end of my latest piece, with the links. Are you trying to sell those products? Isn't that contrary to site policy? I really love anyone to leave any comments on my stories but do NOT appreciate anyone trying to sell me anything at all on this site. If I have misunderstood, please forgive. Site integrity is important, but maybe I have misread your intentions? Please correct me if I am wrong...
Can't really blame someone for trying to push their self-published book on a writer's site. I would expect such, in fact, and I think it should be encouraged. Three links in the signature might be a bit much, though, but nothing forcing you to click on them.
Well he's getting people talking about his work, so I suppose it's getting the effect he hoped for.
Hello again! Its true I don't need to follow the link. I just thought it was a bit weird to copy the same message as a comment on another writer's story or poem or whatever. It makes me think that the links are what are important to AEM rather than the comment. Which makes me think how crappy that sort of self-advertisement is, and how I would never presume to do it to anyone on this site. Which makes me think how selling one's creativity is a two edged sword that can cut both ways. Is this method of self-interest acceptable to you all? Wouldn't this site then just be crowded with people advertizing their work? As far as AEM's work is concerned, I don't pretend to get anywhere near to understanding it. I thought being creative was more than subjective expression...I thought it had something to do with communication. Maybe I'm thick: sorry, I didn't get it.
Hapax legomonon is a word that occurs only once: in a body of written work or ever. I think. So if I write 'kratolave' here it is now no longer Hapax Legomonon.
The track is a seriously horrible noise and the book has no information attached. Is AEM and active member? No. Is this an attempt to hurl his/her self onto us and expect us to buy the stuff? Yes. I'll delete this thread in day - once we have had our say abut this kind of nonsense self promotion. He/she could have always written to me to get their book on the ABCauthors list.
The very nature of this site is self-promotion, and you've given us the signature option to self-promote even further. Are you saying their is no acceptable level, or that it's not acceptable for new/not so active members? I've seen quite a few older members promoting books and blogs with their signature and I've no problem with it (except pepsoid's). In fact, I've purchased a few. But I agree about the track - "seriously horribly noise" sums it up. And I also agree that a link to buy a book without any information about the book probably wont get the job done...
I have my website address on my signature and promote my book in my profile details; I hope both of these are okay. If not, please let me know and I'll remove one or both of them.
I dont have a problem with a link to a webpage on which I can read more of your work. I don't like to be directed to a webpage presenting me with a decision to buy something, on a site like this. I think we have to think about the profit motive, and how it might not be a good thing for it to be a high profile feature of this site. I for one am attracted to the ethos of resistance to the profit motive. Sure I would like to be paid to be creative, but I don't think this is the place for that sort of thinking. However, I can't see anything wrong with a link to a webpage and dont want to appear to be killjoy nazi or whatever! It was just weird to see exactly the same message posted. In any case, I am very new to the site so I might be barking up the wrong...
By the way McMurphy, are you the bull goose looney round here?!
only kidding...!
For regular members it is absolutely fine to put up your blogspace/ own website/ link to your book - no problem at all. What tees me off is when someone comes along who has not posted anything and starts putting links to their book all over the place. They can write to me and ask if it is OK, they can get their book put on the ABCtales authors list, they can join in whatever they like on here. It's a bit like walking halfway into a party where you don't know anyone, demand that everyone listens to you, begin organising games and then wonder why everybody starts collecting their coats.
Damn. Are you not meant to do that?


The guy clearly was way over any acceptable self-promotion mark, it was the literary equivalent of Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music, sound without sense. His poem was the biggest disincentive to pursue any of his links. Cheesy and cheap marketing.


Ha. Tony obviously lacks party-game management skills. I can walk into any party in the UK and get everyone playing a spirited game of 'Berate the Interloper' within the first five minutes, guaranteed.
Now - I want everyone sitting in a circle - that's EVERONE! OK - this is how it works. I'm Leader and you all follow my clapping rhythm - when I call out a number and if it's you then you have to call out your number and then another number on the beat - if you fail, that's a life. No, I promise, it's HILARIOUS. I don't care if your babysitter has to go home at 9 pm. No, really, try it, you'll love it. You need to do a poo? What is this? Kindergarten....
speaking of self promotion, I rock. please feel free to check my work out because we all know its awesome. just getting that out there... :)

Give me the beat boys and free my soul! I wanna getta lost in ya rock n' roll and drift away. Drift away...

... and you can visit my site, buy my book, read my life story and, and, and ... at: lol :)
Good one, Edmond - I see you've read the book. NO, not the BGL, just a long-time member and big fan of this site. I probably would've been more critical of AEM when I first joined, but Tony has taught me self-restraint. If this signature business bothers him, then there must be something to it, as he's very accepting of what most members do. For the record, I don't mind the links, but then it's not my website.
So seeing as we can sell, would anybody like to buy an iguana? ... mines just ripped chunks out of me. She's sulking because I told her that she's got to be on her best behavior because we have a very rare and beautiful red iguana coming on Wednesday ... whereas she's just a COMMON (emphasis on the common, especially after tonight)green iggy. My index finger is now the size of a cumberland sausage and I'm sure I've lost at least seven of my eight pints of blood.


Darling .. her *mother* doesn't know what it means .. but if it's an insult I'll fling it at her.


He he he, he's only a Common Iguana, he'll speak in the Vulgate not Latin.
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