Multi-tasking myth
Who said women are good at multitasking? I'm in sleepy Sussex for a 1 week intensive driving course and am 9hrs (one quarter) of the way in. Can do the gear thing and the brakes and clutch and position in the road etc. but doing them all at the same time is what gets me. I may have a more male brain but then my spatial awareness is too awful for that too be true... I keep steering to close to the kerb/ parked cars! And then every now and again my entire brain just seizes up ... a bit like my old IBM notebook when I loaded Windows XP onto it (new software onto old and in my case damaged hardware spells trouble)!
This is the most difficult thing I have ever had to do. I've not struggled this much with something since A level chemistry (and having breezed through remmedial chemistry at University I realise that was only due to the teaching quality at my ghastly comprehensive).
I admit though, it did start to get easier and become instinctive towards the end of today and it is rather satisfying when I make a leap of progress. I reckon by tomorrow arvo I will be able to drive! I will get this cracked. My brain is very tired though!
~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~
~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~