Why I feel Sir David King is wrong.
"The most brilliant minds should be directed to solving Earth's greatest challenges, such as climate change, says Sir David King.
He suggested that less time and money be spent on endeavours such as space exploration and particle physics.
He said population growth and poverty in Africa also demanded attention."
I struggled hard for a good grade in A level physics some 15 years ago so I won't pretend I completely understand the information that will emerge from the LHC at CERN but I do understand its significance.
Our collective evolution as a species is now an academic one. The adventure of philosophy, the faculty of wonder is what makes humanity worthwhile. Even if we could use technology to give every individual in the world a comfortable standard of living, what's the point if people just blunder on like the other animals - eating, excreting reproducing?
It is our quest for knowledge that sets us apart from the other animals. Those people who lie awake at night wondering what matter is, what is gravity, why is there something rather than nothing are at the cutting edge of what it means to be human. They are grappling with the paradoxes and riddles that have for millenia driven us to this point. We are at a point close to the limits of what science can tell us and I hope that will lead to a greater consilience between science, philosophy and the humanities.