Synoptic Gospel

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Synoptic Gospel

Anyone any ideas how to reduce 130,000 words of a novel to a 500-word synopsis?

Pick out the dirty bits, add some oohs and aahs. Only write the bit of the sentence that captures the imagination, i.e. If the sentence reads; I'm coming into you in two seconds soon as I have finished applying this 'Preparation H to my Piles. Just write the first bit (up to darling..) Be careful of 'Mills and Boon' though.
That'll be a no then. LOL
Erm...hire George W's speech writer ;)
couldn't you take each chapter and write a tiny summary, and then see what it looks like, and then make it sound exciting? aren't there a million websites that tell you how to? good luck with it - it sounds daunting


Get together friends or family and give them all a chapter each and ask them to read and then edit it as they see fit . Good luck .


Copy the blurb on the back of 'War and Peace'!
Seriously though, if it were me, I would have a look at some previous giant tomes (like W & P or some of Wilber Smith's or Michener's) and see how they did it.
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