Story lengths

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Story lengths

I've just posted an unfinished piece I started writing a few month back, the problem is its rather long, should long pieces be posted in broken down pages or do people read them all the way through?
Its unfinished as yet and not really sure where its going but I just add to it when the moment grabs me, is there some sort of bookmark feature available for long pieces posted on abctales? or would a reader just have to search through to get to where they left off?

There is no right and wrong length. My guestimate is around 1000 to 1500 words is about right. Any more than that and the sheer quantity makes it less likely someone will finish your work. The other factor you've got to take into account is that all the work in this site is read by someone else, acting as editorial. Nine times out of ten it's Tony. If something is say 5000 words that gives him less time to read something else.


From a reader's point of view, the real lengthy pieces can get tiresome, not because I'm a lazy reader but more because I don't enjoy reading from a screen in general (hence the E-books aren't really up my street) and something that could easily make ten pages won't hold my attention for that long. In your case, I suppose starting from where the reader left off could definitely work if you don't want to post them separately.


Well thats a bummer, I just word counted and its close to 10,000. Good luck reading it, although it only tok me half an hour to read it.

Until we feel our thoughts our thinking remains unfelt

Like Maggy, I find it hard to read long chunks of text on a screen. I do bookmark long pieces to come back to, but something has to really grab me to make me do it. (I'm sure yours will!) I think posting in instalments is a good idea.
I am sure that's right. 10,000 words in one chunk is far too long. Break it up into 6 or 7 sections - and you'll get far more reads!
I have a whole novel on here, posted in 500 (or so) word chunks. One or two people have even read it.
You could post it seperate stories, as part 1, part 2 etc. I see that done a lot on here & I find it less daunting to read long writing & easier to remember where you got to. Kahdai

"I will make sense with a few reads \^^/ "

Thanks for the advice everyone, I've deleted the original posting and began posting it in chunks.

Until we feel our thoughts our thinking remains unfelt

The first chunk is critical.
Critical? go ahead mate, critise your life away, I'll be back to read it and absorb.

Until we feel our thoughts our thinking remains unfelt

I meant critical in the sense of grabbing the readers attention. The most I usually manage is an encouraging comment.....criticism is a minefield.
Having been lurking around on these boards reading things for a few days I'd definitely say medium sized chunks is the way to go (in my humble opinion). I have come across several pieces that I enjoyed which were part 1 or 2 or even 7 and have then gone into the authors' profile to read the rest of it.
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