Some publications (2)

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Anonymous's picture
Some publications (2)

These pieces appeared briefly on ABC, but I had to pull them when they got published:


Eight States Away

Publishers probably demand it, unless you publish yourself, then its just so that if people wanna read they have to buy.

Until we feel our thoughts our thinking remains unfelt

Anonymous's picture
For most pieces I've published, the editor requires that the story not be available anywhere else. Now, what would happen if an editor found a story here that he published? Not much, if anything at all, but I try to play by the rules because editors do talk to each other and I don't want to have any of them angry with me. Still, ABC has been the first place many of my stories have appeared, and I like to bring them back home sometimes.
This is cool, Foster, congrats!
Congrats to Foster - and we quite understand when things get published elsewhere after being honed on ABCtales. In fact, we celebrate it!
Anonymous's picture
Thanks, Belle. Thanks, Tony. I've honed quite a few stories on ABC.
Anonymous's picture
Published today at lit Snack, another that started here: Train Whistles In The Wintertime
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