the pram in the hall
Mon, 2001-05-14 09:10
the pram in the hall
"There is no more sombre enemy of good art than the pram in the hall" - Cyril Connolly
discuss ...
Or: When a writer is born a family dies - Graham Greene.
So long as nanny is in the nursery, what's the problem?
Oops, did a quick time warp into the 1930s there, must re-arrange myself.
Pip pip
oooooooh professor!
there seems no evidence that repeated breeding has harmed my creative urges ... quite the opposite ... several years on the edge of sanity when thinking was the only option did it good ...
however i think the prof. has a point ... after consultation with the poor children they agree while it is interesting to have a writer for a mother (in fact for many years they assumed every mother was a writer ... it shocked them to find out the truth) ... they rather wish i was more domestic and didn't look vaguely into cupboards around teatime .. pasta and tuna AGAIN????
I think the origoinal saying was really only meant to apply to men, married women weren't meant to write (or paint, sculpt, compose) at all were they?
I thought that was all they were allowed to do! (and weren't they supposed to keep the kids quiet enough for daddy to write too?)
In my experience the pram in the hall is a tripping hazard. But a convenient place to hang one's umbrella.
"There is no more sombre enemy of a good fart than a jam in the rectum hall" - Semi Carnally
Biting my truant pen, beating myself for spite, 'Fool,' said my muse to me; 'look in thy heart and write.'
Philip Sidney 1554 - 1586
There is no greater enemy to art than the ringing telephone, the knock on the door, the full bladder/bowel or the empty purse/wallet.
Blokes really have no idea do they?
Luckily I generally prefer women writers. And I never had a proper pram, myself, but still managed to avoid writing assiduously and with dedication without even noticing when my children were pram age.
It was an invisible pram with terrible power.
i once saw ian macmillan performing his poetry ... he said that the worst thing a writer could have was a career ...
phew ...
No one has climbed out of the pram for a while.
ideas dont generally have blokes
swirl that around for a moment :)
Gargles a mouth of satre and thinks ......
you're write!
the 'r' on this keyboard is distinctly dodgy!
ming ... your invisible and terribly powerful pram is just an EXCUSE ... and i reckon you are still using it ...