How you hear about

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How you hear about

Initially, I found by accident (so happy I did!) by surfing around Yahoo United Kingdom. Quite by accident, actually.

How did others find it initially? Friends, referrals, ads, etc?


Barry Wood

The Surly Gentleman
Anonymous's picture
Well... i was just strollin thru town with some of my mates, and I went past the Body Shop. They had this little stall next to it with all these leaflets on, and one of them was issue 3 of ABCtales. I picked it up, started reading, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Anonymous's picture
I heard about this website by fave author Terry Deary. I like reading stories and I give a fair rating.Does anyone know about constructive critiscim? No idea how to spell it?
Anonymous's picture
heard about ABC through scriberazones site. Thats a good 'un too.
Barry Wood
Anonymous's picture
Hi Liana: Am checking out right now. Barry
Anonymous's picture
This weeks Big Issue, as a sponsor for the Streetlights writing section. Never heard of it before that! (also happy I did!)
Barry Wood
Anonymous's picture
A big welcome to you, Beef. Cheers.
Anonymous's picture
Saw a report about it on the Beeb Breakfast News when it was first launched and thought it sounded great - which it is!
Anonymous's picture
i got it from a link on the spike daily weblog ... a place which also offers up many other exciting treats such as a site which tells of bizarre deaths ...
Anonymous's picture
I was surfing the net, and I found it by accident! Really glad I did!!!!! :o)
stormy petrel
Anonymous's picture
heard John Bird on the radio... but I've said that before on here somewhere.
Anonymous's picture
me too
Anonymous's picture
meat, who?
Anonymous's picture
I had tons of ideas in my head but never wrote them down. I got in a poetic mood and decided to look up some poerty sites on msn. Low and behold I got tons of them. This was the only one that I thought was cool enough to have me in it :)
Anonymous's picture
this was the only site poer enough to have me.
Anonymous's picture
If this mystery person is who I think it is, then you are quite poo. Anyway most of you guys are cool, not as cool as me but that is something you are born with :-)
Anonymous's picture
I heard of ABCTALES via the James Whale show. No,I don't like his programme much but I was bored and broke,unable to go out down the pub or to buy a pie the size of my own head,so I listened in. When out to the internet café the next day to look up the site and BINGO! Here I am and happy to be here.
Anonymous's picture
We are happy you are here Microchrist
Anonymous's picture
was only a joke spag.
Anonymous's picture
I saw it mentioned in Mslexia, had a look and never left. Love it!
Anonymous's picture
I know it was a joke. My response was a joke too. I guess only cool people can understand my jokes hahahahaha.
Anonymous's picture
it was yelled to me by a vet on a bike who was just entering the just-out-of-earshot range at a city crossroads in Scotland. I thought, huh? It barely registered. I thought he'd said hay pc tales or something. Many moons later, whilst merrily surfing, I realised...ah..abctales. Right. The rest will be history.
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