
The poems displayed are not necessarily true. They are out there to live on their own and be interpreted any which way one sees fit.

I believe that depending on how the poem is interpreted, or what people read into it will vary as does people's life experiences and viewpoints.


I'm on a writing journey and have moulted a few times along the way. At this present time I'm a chrysalis awaiting a metamorphosis.

Hello Maz. "...I'm a chrysalis awaiting a metamorphosis..." Have you emerged yet to continue on with your "... writing journey..." ?

Hi ScoZen - thank you for the nudge - yes, I'm ready to continue. I've just been lubricating my wings, sorry, I mean pen, in view of my dormouse tendencies.

"...yes, I'm ready to continue..." Well...?

Come on then Mazrlin, let's be having it......