Anne Robinson
Tue, 2001-06-12 17:34
Anne Robinson
Anne Robinson's The Weakest Link is a hit show in the US and Canada. I get a major kick out of the show. In fact she makes me chuckle. I understand Anne's from the UK.
*grips wand in horror*
Yeah Barry, the shows been a hit here for a while now. Unfortunately, the British, never known for their sense of style, are now bedecked in "you are the weakest link - goodbye!" teeshirts.
I regularly walk down the street dying laughing - each time l see a shirt, the joke amuses me more.
Bah Humbug.
She used to front up a show called Watchdog, which she used to end with a cheery wink and a grin - quite different.
Oh no, that was points of view......
Gets around a bit, our Annie.
Spag has a weakest link tee shirt btw
pleasssse tell me its not true..............
I bought it for him as I knew he loved the show
*wand bending slightly under pressure*
I did something a little crafty, utilising my writing skills. I submitted an application form for The Weakest Link for my father-in-law, as a joke. They called him up, he passed the general knowledge test and he is waiting for the results of the London audition he had last week. What a fun use of writing skills, although I have yet to tell him exactly what I wrote.
I wanna be on that show
*perks up*
can david icke knit?
Liana, I'll by you a weakest link teeshirt. I just know you'll love it
*Runs away screaming*