Today Wikipedia and several other sites go dark! Why?
This weekend Rupert Murdoch, whose media empire includes Fox TV, The Wall Street Journal, Fox Studios and the Sun newspaper in Britain, attacked Google as the “Piracy leader” for streaming movies free as well as accusing the President of the United States of America of throwing in his lot "with Silicon Valley paymasters who threaten all software creators with piracy, plain thievery”
Strong twittered words for a man who was forced to close one of his papers, run by his son, for what was essentially stealing messages (by hacking) from peoples mobile phones.
Google responded with "Last year we took down 5 million infringing Web pages from our search results and invested more than $60 million in the fight against bad ads. Like many other tech companies, we believe that there are smart, targeted ways to shut down foreign rogue websites without asking U.S. companies to censor the Internet.”
Meanwhile "Wikipedia blacks out website in protest over online piracy bill"
Murdoch who recently admitted that he had 'screwed up' My Space seems hell bent on supporting the introduction of legislation that could well do the same too many famous free service providers like YouTube.
The most controversial provision is in the House bill, which would enable federal authorities to 'blacklist' sites that are ALLEDGED to distribute pirated content and would essentially cut off portions of the Internet.
There is little doubt that if such legislation were to be adopted in the USA that it would quickly be adopted around the world and that it could be used as an excuse to close down sites that offended the state or powerful organisations and could well be the beginning of the end for the only real medium of free expression.
So, don't just protest the legislation but also protest 'Fox News' and show Murdoch that its time he kept his mouth shut and his twitters twitless.
It's bad enough that Fox misrepresents its TV magazine as 'News' and that it actually constantly twists the truth while claiming to be fair and balanced but the fact that it is just another mouthpiece for Murdoch propaganda should be enough to make even its fans wonder just who profits from the Fox spin because it certainly isn't America...
Shut it down and get some real news!