Well it made me laugh
Tue, 2001-07-03 17:59
Well it made me laugh
I went up the church yard the other day to see my Nan.
To see if I could get the lottery numbers off her, but she never came through:-(
Any way on the way out of the church yard I saw a green wheely bin by the church door and it said on it in big bold letters (NO HOT ASHES)
Well It made me laugh.
Anyone else seen any funny signs?
Yes you got a point I will try it and get back t' ya
Please welcome your band for tonite
Ear Piercing While You Wait
Yeah nice one LOL
Theres a band called Mazzy Star - did you know Muzzy? You prolly did......
I saw a sign at a local farm: DIY Manure. (Interesting concept).
I once saw a farmers Pick Your Own Strawberries sign
that had been graffitied to read
Pick Your Own F*&^%*&g Strawberries!
robert has a thing about (signs)
he certainly does ... he is singlehandedly responsible (via morrisons) for Cake of The Day ...
what a treat of a thread. ta, muzzy.
thing is i'm not sure that any of the signs that cause me endless joy and amusement will have the same effect on anyone else, as wry grass and iFB well know...
must confess that i have felt happy all day after seeing
Hall Farm Cattery
We specialise in cats
the only reason i shop at morrisons is to read the signs. cake of the day seems to have disappeared, but there is a little table now with a placard thing which says bread of the week, which i really look forward to. last weekend it was a floury baguette, but one time it was scones, which i thought was stretching it a bit
man needs a hobby...
(still wearing the tin hat)
Some years ago a poster outside a chapel near my home
'Halleujah anyway!'
I'm still grinning to myself everytime I think about it.
A graffito I saw once in a toilet read -
'Looby Loo was a lousy lay - Andy Pandy', I laughed for days!
But she was.
Hey more toilet humour.
On a toilet wall I once read
Don't beam me up now scotty i'm having a sh** the last letter of the word disappeared up the wall to a thin line.
On the lovely green lawns outside a Drug Rehabiliation
A sign read please keep of the Grass.
A chalk board outside my local hair salon
Reads Blow drys £20, sometimes I with I had a stick of chalk on me.
Sign outside a pizza restaurant:
Buy an extra large pizza and we'll toss in the salad for free
Strangely enough, I decided not to eat there...
i cannot describe the enduring amusement i derive from a leaflet i picked up in BBC Radio Northampton a few weeks ago ...
on the pale blue cover a girl in an undeniably 70's patterned sweater grips a pigeon ... the title proclaims ...
"Pigeon Racing .... a sport for all the family ..."
on the back a small sticker attached by the Northampton Branch invites contact ... "for more information - or a loft visit"
the translation into English for a meal in an italian restaurant in Tenerife last summer read;
Fish in a semenlike sauce
Whatever did they mean, Dave?
*wondering if the Fish knows the answer to that one*
*searching memory banks*
sorry pal ... no idea ...
..visions of Fish, floundering on memory banks.....
One not so funny but witty
Big bill board in Bicster read
Happiness is a cigar called H-ML-T
And someone had wrote underneath in black maker pen
And sadness is a disease called Cancer.
Is there really (Gulp)
Still trying to find a name for my band, well one we all agree on.